18. Declined Leadership

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I gradually opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was the appealing ombré orange-blue sky casted by the sunrise along with some cirrostratus clouds scattered throughout the sky. The tall standing pine trees were still darkened because the sun wasn't risen up high. I supposed it was approximately 6:00 A.M.

The second thing I noticed was Dipper, who was laying on his side besides me, had both of his arms wrapped around me. I could feel the warmth of his stomach leaning against my back and it was utterly pleasant. I smiled at the feeling of it and rested my eyes close again. That was until I heard a familiar voice coo, "This is just too cute."

I opened my eyes widely and the beautiful orange-blue skies were faded to the familiar color of monochrome. I shot up from laying on my side, into a sitting up position which broke Dipper's embrace and he instantaneously opened his eyes from my sudden movement. I looked around a bit until that familiar voice echoed, "Behind you."

I looked behind me only to meet nose to nose with my dad's friend, Sterling Silver. "You!" I spat as I pushed him away from me, causing him to stumble into the wall of the roof. "It's nice to see you, too." He said, sarcastically as he wiped down his shoulder.

"Why are you here, Sterling?" I snarled, remaining reserved from him. I still remember what he did to me in the nightmare realm, helping my dad imprison me like that after I ruined their plans. How could I not be mad at him?

"I'm just going to cut to the chase. Ever since your dad passed away, we no longer have a king to lead us in the nightmare realm. And since you are his offspring, that only makes you the next generation for our leader. So we need you to rule and be our princess." Sterling explained.

"And that means you want me to return back to the nightmare realm, right?" I scoffed. "Of course not, silly. You're only going to visit for awhile to teleport all of us here on earth. And together, we'll build our own society there." Sterling responded, clamming both of his fists in justification.

"Hold up, wise guy. Don't you recall anything? I'm not capable of teleporting all of you at once without straining my powers. That's how I got trapped in that decaying realm."

"Oh, but that's where the interesting part comes in, darling." Sterling smirked, leaving a brief moment of silence, making sure all my attentions were focused on him.

"You see, ever since Bill died, nothing but the powers he had were contained in an orb in the nightmare realm. Only his offspring can unlock it and receive his powers. And once you do, you'll be as strong as him, plus more. With that strength, your powers should be utterly durable and you'll be like some type of all powerful intergalactic overlord. Come on, Sapphire. Who can say no to that?" Sterling questioned as he smirked.

"I think I could say no." I responded, and he gave me an 'are you serious?' face.

"I don't want to drag along any of you who are from the nightmare realm. All you guys did was help my dad imprison me." I said, bitterly as I crossed my arms. I can't forget that one moment where they all turned against me ever since I took away their freedom.

"It wasn't like we had a choice, Sapphire. Bill would've killed us if we didn't obey him. But with you as our ruler, we'll follow under your own personal rules. Whatever you desire. And who knows, maybe you could lend me the big role of being your king. I mean, I do deserve it. After all, I did save your precious life." Sterling said.

"How?" I questioned him as I raised an eyebrow. As far as I remember, Sterling has caused me nothing but trouble. "I think your boyfriend knows how. Right, Dipper?" Sterling smirked as he hovered down to Dipper's height and poked Dipper's arm with his elbow.

"Wait, how do you--?" I trailed off as Sterling began to speak quickly again, interrupting me. "Go ahead Dipper, tell her." Sterling cooed in Dipper's ear.

"Uh, well you see.." Dipper trailed off and I began to stare into his dark brown eyes, eager for a response. "When Ford erased your memory, I felt utterly depressed and I didn't know what I was going to do without you. That's when Sterling here offered me a deal if he recovered your memory." Dipper explained.

"Oh, so is that how my memory was recovered? All I recall from that incident was Ford erasing Bill out of mind, then waking up safe and sound in my bed." I said as I rubbed my head.

"And hold up, did you say a deal?" I glanced at both of them as the atmosphere was dead with silence. Sterling was smirking while Dipper looked all nervous. I knew this couldn't mean anything good. "What was the deal?" I asked.

"That isn't important. What is important is that I saved you from becoming an amnesiac for the rest of your life and now you can generously set us free again in return of the favor. You can only gain benefits from it, anyway. So how about it, Sapphy?" Sterling smiled.

"I-I can't. I promised Dipper that I would head home to Piedmont with him after summer ends this week. And that's my top priority." I said, grabbing Dipper's hand and he smiled in satisfaction.

"But I-- you-- Ugh, never mind. You'll come crawling back, I know it! But until that timing comes, stay my cute little pumpkin." Sterling winked before disappearing in a white flash.

I opened my eyes again and the beautiful skies returned back in color, just like how it was like before Sterling appeared.

"Did he just call you his pumpkin?" Was the first thing Dipper said after we returned to the natural. "Yeah. It's not the first time he has called me by pet names. I've come a long way with that guy in the nightmare realm, and he's been hitting on me ever since then." I explained to Dipper.

"Well he can't have you," Dipper said as he grabbed my hand and twirled me in a circle, then leaning me over into a dip where my only sighting was his adorable face hovering over mine.

"Because you're all mine." Dipper cooed and a compassionate smile crawled onto his face. All I could do is stare into his dreamy, dark brown eyes as he moved his face in closer to mine and pecked my forehead with his lips.

I didn't say a word as I melted into a flushed mess by his romantic gestures. Dipper smiled in delight, never losing eye contact as a light blush ran across his face.

Sterling's POV

I was watching Sapphire and Dipper flirt from that orb in the nightmare realm that allows you to watch anyone you want to, and it made me feel incredibly jealous. Like that should be me, not him.

"So I'm guessing she declined the offer?" Pyronica said as she hovered over besides me. "Yeah, just so she can head back home with that stupid mortal." I snarled as I rolled my eyes. "Man, that sucks." Pyronica responded.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it's not over yet. Dipper still hasn't fulfilled his end of his bargain yet, so I'll make sure to receive an advantage from him. By then, we'll reign supremely in a society of our own way beyond this dimension, and I'll have my treasured possession wrapped in my arms,"


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