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I always live by the wise words "hope for the best and be prepared for the worst" well, it sucks like hell. Well let me explain...1)you're paranoid in the back of your mind, 2)you're a nice, kind, and soft person inside, 3)you can't be that person you want to be, 4)your feisty and bitchy side come out more than most of the time, 5)you can't trust, believe, and be full on devoted to someone or something, and 6)you want to be venerable so bad it hurts. These are the 6 things you are/feel when you live by these words. It is a painful shield, and I still hope I can let it down long enough to feel something other than pain and to not be let down. But there is a value to the shield I put up... To protect me from more pain, to remember and live life all the more for when I'm on my death bed thinking about all my life that I did live and witness, and to always live in the moment, I can be sad and depressed later. I know keeping emotions bottled up may not be healthy, but I don't care so why the hell not, eh? I know it's dangerous, but I'll deal with it when I come to it. I want to be free, truth is though that you're never fully free. You can feel free for a time, but only in those moments when everything is a risk.

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