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Why is life so hard and stressful! My life sometimes feels like a practical joke, or that it's no joke at all. I'm so tired of all the obstacles and fighting, the struggling and stress, the pain. So tired I feel sometimes if I ever stopped fighting then I would lay down in peace and never awaken. It feels as though I'm a turtle, don't matter which kind, all is fine. I am dragged by life like a sea turtle is dragged by the current afraid of drowning. I am on my back struggling to get back to the right side like a turtle turned the wrong way. I feel as if I am being watched, like I am prey at times, like a predator watches their prey. I am a slow turtle that is slower than the rest of the world, slower than the hare, yet I seem to win the race most times when everything/everyone else seems to pass me by as if I were just a ghost. I try and I try and I fight and I fight, and every year of my life there seems to be new obstacles that try to pull me down. I'm not saying your gonna always win, that your always gonna come out on top, because you won't. I struggle almost everyday of my life and I feel like/ know that the struggles and pain won't end here, not now, not yet. I know that everyone says to "Never stop fighting and think positive, don't give up!" they say. I get it, but they don't get what it's like to live my life and I don't expect people to get it, to get me. But it's so hard to look towards the future when it's so uncertain. I know I'm fortunate to live the life I live too though, there are people/animal that have it worse. I don't give up because of the people who have it worse and my friends and dogs and the people that need me to be okay. It feels like I can't breathe, and I hope...I don't drown. I get so...tired, it feels as though, I will never awaken if I fall asleep in a peaceful slumber.

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