The Love & Family I am So blessed with

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I had thought I would never find love, I wondered if it even existed. I know it does now, because I have found it, no actually, love is not an "it", but them. I have my soulmates, my family, my loves. I know it deep down in my heart, in my soul, in my spirit, in my whole being that they are. I chose them, destiny brought them to me, brought all of us together, and we formed a family with those who destiny gave us. The bonds we have...holds us up, holds us together, has given us happiness, relief, trust, love, a light in the dark tunnels of our lives. Although we have not all met up yet, although we are miles and miles apart and we all have our problems, we are together and there for one another, we will see each and every one of our family members together, someday. We are family, and we found each other, we saved one another and are still saving each other, that's what family does. We don't have a "love hate relationship" as people say family is all about, no, we have a chosen family, we would never hate each other, sure we could be mad at one another, but we forgive and communicate with each other to work it out, we accept and respect each other, we hold everyone together like we are glued to one another, and that glue is continuing to get stronger day by day. Our love is brighter than the sun, more solid than the moon, and stronger than the force that holds the planets together. It is impossible to describe fully, the reason bingeing that the most important things are invisible, but you feel it like you have never felt anything else, the truest things, are things we can't see, but feel. We all have been and are going through a lot, who hasn't, but we have each other now to confide in and find comfort with, we can let them take some of the burden or let them make make it lighter so that we don't have to face what we are facing alone. We will of course have obstacles and arguments, but we will get through it because our bond, our family, is worth fighting for. We make each other stronger, happier, better people. I would do anything for them and give up everything for them, no matter what. For family you give more than you take, you love one another unconditionally, it does not matter who you are or what you have done, or that you are different than anyone else in your family because that's what makes you special and you love each other all the more for it, it only matters that you are family, and family is never left behind or left alone, we are forever and always. This is what family is, to me at least. We have the power to break one another, which is what makes love so dangerous, but believing and knowing that I won't get broken by my family makes all the difference.

Dedicated to my my family, Ijmahri (Mahri)-my sister, Vianca (Vi, or mom)-my mother, Aidan (Turtle or bro)-my brother, and Chocolate (Chaco) & BooBoo (Boo)- my dogs. I love you guys! I spent hours upon hours upon hours writing this, I have never worked so hard for a single poem in my life, but it's all for my amazing family! I hope you guys like it!

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