What Is The Soul...

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People say that "eyes are the windows to the soul." However, I don't think that is the full truth most of the time. When someone is sad and miserable, you can tell. When people are happy and joyful, you can tell then too. But the question we ask is how do we tell how their soul is? I personally have pondered the answer to this specific question. I guess that you can tell be their actions, attitude, body language, voice, face, or/and if you know them real well. Sometimes though it's so easy to pick it up because it's all they are feeling, or if you don't then you are very naive. You know that if you read you pick up what the characters are feeling or what the author/ poet is trying to tell you by descriptions, explanations, and plot line. Even if you only read a few words, you can tell something at the least. And how do you apply this to real life? I'm not sure, I guess you just gotta learn and play it by ear right, cause life my friends, is unpredictable.

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