Life's Been Real

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Today? Today, I just don't fucking care because it's been real. Real it's been too fucking real. Real like it's breaking you into pieces and bringing you down, lower than the ground. Real, life, is just fucking me up.
Don't bust my buttons today! Because I'll just fucking BLOW UP. Today I just don't care about your motherfucking problems! They're your problems, not mine! I can't stand your bitching today! You wanna play games?! Well I don't care! I don't wanna be fair! I don't wanna be understanding! I don't want to talk to you! Because I'mma fucking BLOW UP! Leave me be, leave me alone! I don't see no point in doing what you're doing or doing what you're asking! So leave me the fuck ALONE! When your heart breaks and your hopes get pushed down it's like you can't get up. This thing we call life has come to be too damn much. I break down and I age every second. How old I feel! I've lived a short life! Every second my shoulders hunch with every tier I cry and all the sobbing I kneel over for! It's hard to be happy when your whole life's been a joke! This joke I don't get because it gets hard to not give in, give up! Don't tell me think positive! Don't tell me calm down! Right now these word are spewing from my anger and hurt! I'm tired of being a good person! I'm tired of trying! It's so hard when you've lived a short life but it feels like a millineum! But then you remember that you have a million more years to come, and you can't bear it no more! It's this that we call love and betrayal that breaks my heart so completely! One battle after another! Having these feelings has brought me all this trouble! I've been strong but I can't do this alone no more! This fire in my heart brings everyone in and I let them near. This warmth I give off somehow attracts all unwanted and wanted! This fire in my heart burns me whole every time this oil of betrayal gets spilled! And I know I'll survive! But it's the scars that'll never fade that mark me! My carved runes on this heart I give, come with a warning. "Do not betray and deceive or you will be burned and banished!" This life has become too much so don't tell me it hasn't!

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