6pm - The 2nd Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get a large margarita pizza delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $20 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings. Reece is standing at the door holding a large pizza box.

"Hey, Hunter right?"

"You got it Reece. Here's your money." They exchanged money for pizza.

"Thanks again for the tip. So um, how was your week?"

"Ok, I'm in year 12 so no partying on Friday nights this year just pizza."

"Hahahaha. OMG, why?"



"That's the score I need to get into the course I want to do at Uni."

"Shit. Really. You must be some brain!"

"Well it's what I've wanted to do ever since I was a kid."

"Jeez and I thought I had big plans. I figured if I came here every Friday night over the next 30 weeks and get $5, I'd be $150 better off. You're plans are mammoth."

Hunter laughed.

"Thanks for the pizza Reece. See you next week."

He dreamily winked at her.

"Bye Hunter."

Hunter closes the door still shaking her head laughing at Reece.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now