8:15pm - The 10th Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get 10 large meat lovers, 10 large  Hawaiian and 10 large pizza's with the lot to be delivered please."

"Ok, so is this a joke?"

"No, it's your regular Friday night caller Hunter from Nightview Terrace. I'm at a party and these kids need to eat. Can you get Tyler to deliver these on his way home so it can be done whenever he's finished for the night."

"Sure, so you paying over the phone now?"

"My Aunt will call you at 8.30pm with the card details so you can run it through. Any issues with payment call me back."

"Yeah do, and Hunter thanks so much for the huge order. Next week your pizza's on the house."


"Just a sec, as our ovens only fit 20 pizza's we'll get Tyler to do two loads that way the pizza will stay hot. We'll chuck in some garlic breads as well."

"Thank you."

Around 60 minutes later the door bell rings. Tyler and his sister Tayla enter the house each carrying 10 pizza boxes. He lays them on the dining table and spreads them out, he winks over at Hunter then goes back to his car and drives off.

30 minutes later he arrives back with the last 10 pizza's and garlic bread.  He notices Hunter immediately not taking his eyes off her. After the place the remainder of the boxes and bread on the dining table he walks up to Hunter. Without dropping his gaze he slowly places two hands on her waist pulling her in so he can say something in her ear.

The music is pumping, kids are dancing and grinding all over the place. It's really loud.

"You owe me a dance." He yells.

He grabs her hand and leads her onto the makeshift dancefloor. Girls are ogling Tyler as he walks onto the dancefloor. He notices guys are doing the same to Hunter as she starts moving her hips to the beat of the song. He pulls her in closer grinding into her tightly.

He leans down to say something but his lips brush against her ear, she instantly gets goosebumps all over her body. He's so turned on knowing the effect he's having on her right now.

But a frown quickly appears on her face as she notices a boy and girl holding hands walking up the stairs.

"Not on my watch." She moved quickly as Tyler follows her up the stairs.

She approaches the young couple who are walking into Nick her cousin's room.

"Guys downstairs please. No one should be up here."

It was Nick's best friend Sean.

"C'mon Hunter, this is Jenna she's my girlfriend. Not some random hook up."

"No Nick if I let you stay others will follow so please don't make it a drama."

"Ok." He shrugged his shoulders and walked back down the stairs with Jenna in hand.

"Well handled. So can we stay upstairs." Tyler was wriggling his eyebrows.

"C'mon you." She dragged him back downstairs.

"I'll be back in a few, just going to the ladies."

"Ok, I'll keep watch."

Three girls surrounded Tyler as soon as Hunter walked off. As she turned around the corner she noticed he was quite busy juggling the three of them. She just laughed.

As she was coming out of the ladies a really cute guy who looked to be around Hunter's age grabbed her hand. She tried to break free but he was persistent.

"Just one dance please." He was praying and begging Hunter. "Just one chance." His bottom lip puckered out.

"Oh, ok." What harm do it do?

She joined him on the dancefloor when all of a sudden the guy was thrown into the air and pushed into the ground.

It was Tyler, he was so very angry. His eyes were completely blackened he looked crazy like he couldn't control himself. He grabbed Hunter's hand and yelled MINE.

Everything and everyone just stopped including the music. Tyler's sister Tayla ran over to him and loosened his grip on Hunter's hand. She then grabbed his wrist and directed him outside, she was trying to calming him back down. Hunter didn't see Tyler again that night.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now