1pm - The 14th Saturday afternoon of Year 12

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Tyler arrived on the eastern border and found the group of his guards that had captured the rogues. There were 4 males, 1 female and a small child. Tyler quickly shifted back as he approached them. They all looked well cared for and not like the usual rogue you would find.

"Who is in charge of this group?" Tyler's voice was deep and threatening.


Alpha it appears they are not wanting to talk.

We have our means, take them back to the holding cells.

Aidan and Tyler closed the mindlink.

Down in the holding cells Tyler knew he had little time to sort this out. He sent his men back out to check the borders.

"Why are you here on my territory?" He looked at each rogue threateningly.


Alpha Tyler another group of rogues has now been captured. This time they were found on the southern borders. One is quite the talker.

Aidan this is all becoming a little more than strange. We need to move them into the other holding cells so take them now, I'll be there in a few minutes. I have a bad feeling more rogues will be arriving today.

The mindlink was closed.

Tyler turned to the pack of rogues.

"I see more of you have arrived. If you don't want to talk we will have to kill you all. You have until 3pm to talk otherwise we have no other choice."


With that said Tyler walked out and shifted so he could talk to the new prisoners. Once he arrived he shifted back. This group was larger 6 males, 3 females and 4 kids. They were all in very good condition meaning that someone was funding this group. Someone was indeed in charge.

"Why are you here?" His voice was booming and now scary.

"Alpha Tyler my name is Nathaniel. We are here to ask for your protection against the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack. I was the third in command of this pack."

"Why do you need my protection?"

"We're all scared and no longer feel safe to stay there with our families. We are not rogues we have only left the pack today in the hopes of finding solace with your pack."

"What had happened in your pack to make you want to leave?"

"Alpha Byron is no longer of sound mind. A year and a half ago he lost his mate, since then he has been reckless and making bad decisions. We are here to warn you. He has even aligned himself with a large group of hunters. They come once a month into our packhouse and we believe they are making plans with Alpha Byron."

Tyler closed his eyes. That was impossible. Hunters and wolves were not allowed to align.

"We found another group at the eastern border earlier 4 males, 1 female and a small child. Are they from your pack?"

"Yes, tonight we were supposed to go into battle and help the hunters attack your pack. We were only informed last night. There are hundreds who are refusing to do so and many have now fled not knowing where to go but most will be coming here."

"Will you all help us fight against your own pack and the Hunters tonight?"

"Yes, we will." All the men if the group yelled out.

"Alpha Tyler." A small female voice was heard.

He smiled and looked down at the little girl.

"Yes my dear."

"Do you have a Lunar?"


"Daddy told me.."

Nathaniel shook his head at the child and butted in. "Sarah, let Daddy explain."

The little girl nodded at her Daddy smiling.

"Alpha Tyler, excuse me but there is one other thing, however, this may just rumour as we have no evidence but it maybe important to you."

"Go on Nathaniel."

"It was said that the daughter of a hunters is worthy of being a Lunar. Alpha Byron had been promised her hand in marriage if he assists the hunters in brining your pack down."

Tyler closed his eyes taking in all this information.

"Why is it that Hunters want to align with a pack to fight another?"

"That I don't know, but whatever the reason it has something to do with your pack."

"Thank you Nathaniel."

Tyler turned to Aidan.

"Release all the prisoners, give them food and take them to the temporary bunk shelters. They are all welcome to join our pack."

"Thank you Alpha."

The group of wolves said in unison bowing their heads.

More wolves arrived that day from the Crescent Moon pack. Things were becoming quite complicated. Tyler had little time to figure out the reason why Hunter's parents were so willing to align themselves with Alpha Byron allowing Hunter to be traded over as some sort of prize.

What possibly was their gain in all of this?

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