12pm - The 14th Saturday afternoon of Year 12

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Hunter opened her eyes and saw she was alone. She was hoping to get out of here thinking this might be her only chance before tonight's full moon. She was still feeling light headed and sleepy.

Hunter pulled the IV out of her right hand and began to get out of the bed. When she managed to get outside her room she noticed she wasn't inside a hospital at all. She was inside her best friend Layla's home. She was so confused right now and the drugs she'd consumed earlier didn't help her cause.

She was very familiar with this house as she made her way downstairs. She hoped to get into the garage and 'borrow' one of their many beloved cars. Layla's Dad was a car enthusiast with a huge collection, he always kept the keys in the garage inside a key box. Layla and Hunter had borrowed a car or two in their time when all their parents had gone away for the weekend.

As she was coming towards to end of the stairway she heard voices. Hunter quickly diverted into the closest room preying that it was empty. In the living room there appeared to be a large gathering of people. They were calming discussing tonights plans.

Hunter bravely took the steps down into the garage and knew this was her one shot. If everyone was upstairs she'd be able to leave quickly. She chose the Layla's Mothers new Lexus 4wd. It was the quietest car she'd ever been inside and she hoped this would keep the noise down. She was happy to see that the garage door was already opened. She grabbed the keys hopped into the car and started the engine.

Her plan was to head back to her place, grab her phone, contact Tyler and go to the packhouse. She got as far as the gated entrance opening the doors with the remote before she was spotted.

It was Layla's twin Brother Zac he was riding a skateboard with a surfboard under his arm. She waved to him as she wound the window down.

"You're up?" He asked. "You feeling better? I heard you were sick?"

"Yeah. So how have you been?"

"Good. So where are you going?"

"I need to go to the shops to pick up some stuff. You know girly things." She winked.

"Yucko." He pulled a funny face sticking his tongue out. "You want me to come with you?"

"No Zac I'm fine I'll only be a few minutes."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, see you soon."

They waved goodbye.

Hunter's heart was pacing a million miles per hour. She drove back to her home, climbed inside her window, grabbed her phone and handbag, then called Tyler. She knew she only had minutes before they'd come looking for her again.

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