6pm - the 15th Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get a large margarita and a large pizza with the lot delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $35 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

"Oh, I've now moved so I'll give you my new address."

Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings. Tyler opens the door whilst Hunter's studying inside his office.

"Reece, so glad to meet you in the flesh buddy!" Tyler held out his hand to grab the pizza boxes. He exchanged them for cash giving Reece a $5 tip. "My name's Tyler!" He smirked mischievously as he said it.

"Oh ok, Tyler. So do you know how Hunter is going?"

"Hunter's going great. She's now living here with me and life couldn't be sweeeeeeeter." Tyler smiled.

Snort! "Yeah good one!" Reece laughed. "That fine piece of arse is living here with you?"

Tyler let out a low possessive growl then yelled out to Hunter.

"Hunter, Babe. Can you please come out to the front door we have a visitor."

Hunter walked out into the foyer and saw Reece standing by the front door. Tyler had the pizza boxes in his hand. She was wearing a t shirt that was obviously Tyler's and some denim cut off shorts.

"Reece!!!!" Hunter yelled out. "So did you meet my new room mate yet?"

"Shit! I thought he was kidding. So you too live together now?" He was pointing between the two of them.

"Well, we share a BED and allll, so yeah we live together." Tyler's words were being drawn out purposely making sure Reece knew exactly what he was insinuating.

"Seriously? And your parents are all ok with this arrangement?" Reece looked confused.

"Yeah, why wouldn't they be?" Hunter asked.

"Cooooolllll! This is so cool. I mean there'd be no way my parents would agree to this. I can't even have a chick come over without keeping the door open at all times."

Tyler placed the pizza's down and wrapped a protective arm over Hunter.

"Once Hunter finishes school, we're going to make it all official around here." Tyler smiled down at Hunter kissing her nose.

"What do you mean?" Reece asked.

"Anyway, thanks for the pizza Reece we'll see you next week." Hunter quickly changed the subject.

"Um, ok, sure guys. Have fun and see you next week."

Reece left the packhouse. Tyler had a big cheesy smirk on his face.

"You are such an arse sometimes." Hunter rolled her eyes as he held her so tight against his chest. They could feel each others hearts beating.

"But I'm your arse!" Hunter jumped onto Tyler wrapping her legs around his waist. He grabbed onto her butt cheeks pulling her in closer. Tyler began nuzzling her neck licking his mark. Hunter moaned in delight.

"Baby girl, don't start what you can't finish." Tyler's voice was raspy and lust filled.

"Who said anything about wanting to finish?"

A little growl escaped out of Tyler's throat. The pizza had been forgotten as Tyler walked Hunter upstairs into his room. They had not taken their mouths off each others lips.

Tyler finally broke off the kiss as he took his shirt off and removed Hunters.

"Babe, you sure you're ready?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. I want to be as close to you as possible."

That was it for Tyler. He got so excited as he removed the rest of his clothes. Hunter was so proud of her mate. He looked so perfect standing above her in all his naked glory. She was so happy that he was her chosen partner. Hunter knew her life was never ever going to be boring.

As Tyler's body hovered over Hunter's he slowly began removing her sweatpants off her tiny frame. He kept his gaze on her at all times. Just as he was about to remove her underwear he noticed her eyes had changed to black.

"Hunter, you're wolf's appearing! Can you feel her?"

"Babe the only thing I'm feeling is how big and hot you feel between me right now and we haven't even started anything." Hunter giggled.
"I do feel a strong emotional connection to you though but I thought that was ....."

Hunter wasn't able to finish her sentence off as the lust took over Tyler completely as he claimed her lips. He desperately needed to be with her, consume her, finally completing the mating process.

Hunter broke away from the kiss.

"Babe, before we do this I need to know one thing?" Hunter asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Tyler sounded confused.

"Why would an Alpha accept the job of a pizza delivery guy!"

Tyler threw his head back and laughed.

"Seriously, that's the one question you have for me right now. You're about to lose your virginity and you want to know why I was delivering pizza's!"

"Well, yeah!"

He chuckled and kissed her lips.

"I was helping out a friends Dad who owns the joint cause I just got my license. My friend told me it was a really great way to meet chicks!"

Hunter burst out laughing.

"Well, you met one alright but now you're stuck with her forever."

"Seriously Hunter, I wouldn't want it any other way."

The End

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now