12.38pm - The 14th Sautrday afternoon Of Year 12

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Tyler heard his mobile ringing and ran to his phone. He'd set a special ringtone for Hunter 'sexy back' so he knew when it was her calling.


"Tyler it's Hunter."

He felt so relieved.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I was taken and drugged but managed to get out. I need the address of the pack house I'm scared."

Tyler gave her directions she was less than 10 minutes away. He mind linked the guards she was coming then quickly called another meeting informing his pack that the Luna was about to arrive. With this new information at hand, he knew that an attack on the packhouse tonight would be imminent.

When Hunter arrived she looked exhausted. The pack were excited to see her but under the circumstances they were also a little weary of her right now. She ran up to Tyler and he grabbed onto her waist holding her tightly against his chest. He loved her fresh citrus scent and nuzzled into her neck kissing her mark. This made both of them a little hot. He took her by the hand and brought her into the house.

He added extra patrols around the perimeter. Tyler took Hunter upstairs to his bedroom so she could rest.

"Hunter, we were going to attack tonight. We found the location and planned on breaking you out and bringing you back here."

She nodded.

"I'm scared Tyler. These people are hunters, my family, my family friends, my friends families. I don't know what to do? Either way they want you dead so this will all stop. When I overheard my parents talking I knew I had to come and warn you."

Tears were streaming down her face.

"What are we going to do?"

He wiped away her tears with his shirt and kissed her tenderly.

"What do you want Hunter?"

"I want things how they were before. I had a plan. I was going to finish Year 12, I was going to become Luna, I was going to go to University and my parents were going to support my decisions. But that's never going to happen now is it?"


Tyler went quiet as Aidan began communicating with him via mind link.

Tyler, we found a small pack of rogues on our Eastern border. It appears they are hear for the party tonight.

Aidan, capture them and wait for me to get there. Try not to harm any of them, send through the exact location co-ordinates.

"Hunter, we have some uninvited guests I need to attend to so please try to relax until I return. I'll get my Mum Rosalia to come and check up on you."

"Ok." Her voice was soft and sweet.

Tyler walked out of the packhouse quickly shifting to get to the rogues as soon as possible. He needed to sort out what the hell was happening, hunters and rogues, this wasn't a co-incidence. It couldn't be.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now