6pm - The 10th Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get a large margarita pizza delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $20 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings. Tyler gives Hunter a huge smile and wolf whistles as he takes her all in.

"Wow, you look fricken so hot."

"Um, thanks I guess."

"So you going to a party?"

"Yep." She said popping the p.



"Maybe I wanna go too."

"I doubt that. My cousin's turning 16 and he doesn't want any adults there tonight. So my parents volunteered me as tribute to make sure things don't get out of hand."

"A guys 16th."


Tyler just burst out laughing.

"Darling, you're so gunna need back some up. Especially how hot you look tonight."

"I can handle them." She folded her arms over her chest to efforts if moving Tyler's eyes away from her mid section.

"Listen, I finish at 10, how bout I come past and check that things are ok?"

"You'd do that?"

"Hell yeah, plus I'm little my sisters gotta be dropped off at a 16th tonight somewhere on Bayview St."

"Well, that's where he lives."

"Here's your pizza, that'll be 20 bucks gorgeous."

She hands him $25 and takes the box from him.

"So I guess I'll see you soon."

"Laters." He winks.

Hunter's about to close the door when he puts his foot out but this time grabs the door stopping it from ricochetting into her head.

"Make sure you save me a dance."

He winks at Hunter then walks off. She closes the door.

"Douche." She mutters under her breath.

"I heard that." Tyler yelled back through the door.

Hunter was completely baffled how it was even possible that he heard those words leave her mouth. They were merely a silent whisper.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now