6pm - The 7th Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get a large margarita pizza delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $20 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings. The same guy from last week is standing at the door holding a pizza box.

"Here's your money."

Hunter gave him $20, took the pizza and closed the door.

After two minutes the door bell rang again. She put her pizza slice down, got up from the table and answered the door.

It was the pizza guy.

"What?" She said with attitude.

"Hey no conversation this week?" He smiled sweetly showing his gorgeous dimples.

"Nope." Hunter said popping the p. She shut the door but the guy had his foot in the doorway and it bounced back hitting Hunter right in the head.

"Fuck." She screamed.

"Shît I'm so sorry, I'll get you an ice pack. Where's the kitchen?"

Hunter pointed to the direction of the kitchen, he placed her on the step and he ran back with the ice pack.

"It's ok, I'm fine just go already."

"Geez Hunter what's your problem?"

"You're my fucking problem."


"Are you stupid? Well of course you are last week you turn up. Firstly you wouldn't even look at me, secondly you wouldn't even talk more than a few syllables and thirdly you gave me the wrong order. When I rang up to complain they were only going to send you back to me in an hour so I ate a slice worst pizza ever, a supreme with extra anchovies and extra olives. I ended up throwing it in the bin and having 2 minute noodles instead. You ruined my perfectly planned Friday night."

"Sorry. It was my first night. I had no idea what I was doing and I got no training."

"You were rude and you focused on your phone not the customer."

"Yeah well I was kinda forced to do this job."

"Whatever. Not my problem. I almost didn't call for pizza tonight because of you."

Silence. He looked into Hunter's eyes apologetically. He was such a good looking boy.

"Anyway just go." She didn't want to weaken.

"Look, I'm really sorry about your head and last week."

"I'll live. See you."

He hesitated for a minute. He turned to leave opening the front door then looked back at Hunter.

"I'm Tyler."

He walked out closing the door.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now