6pm - The 12th Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get a large margarita pizza delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $20 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings. Tyler is standing in front of her with a delicious smirk on his face.

"Hey." He walks in and places the pizza box down on the dining table. He grabs Hunter's hand and guides her down onto the lounge. He sits down and faces her.

He moves closer to her lips as though he's about to make out with her then Hunter pushes him away. 

"What the hell Tyler?"

Tyler lets out a little growl.

"What's with all the dog noises?" She asks.

Tyler holds onto both her hands.

"Look, I really like you Hunter but if you don't let me help you tonight you maybe in some serious trouble."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know who your stalker is."

Hunter's eyes widened.

"Who? How? C'mon Tyler tell me."

"Just hear me out first, ok?"

She nodded her head.

"Hunter, I can protect you, but you have to trust me. Do you think you can trust me?"

She confidentially nodded her head. There was something about Tyler that made her feel safe when he was close to her.

"Ok. I need to mark you to protect you."

"What?" She screamed. "Mark me, how?"

He wriggled in his seat as though he wasn't quite comfortable talking about it. But he knew he needed to do this.

"Listen. If I don't mark you, a rival gang will kidnap you and take you to their leader. He will mark you so no one else can have you."


"Because he's in love with you." Hunter's face went white. After a minute she spoke.

"Why are you helping me?"

Tyler was at first hesitant then he looked up into Hunter's eyes and knew it was now or never. 

"Because you are my mate?" Then he leaned in towards her and began kissing her lips. At first she was unsure but she soon relaxed into the kiss. Her mouth slightly opened as he nibbled on her bottom lip, he the. Slid his tongue inside her mouth. Hinter followed Tyler's lead embracing the kiss.

Tyler moved away from her mouth sending licks down onto her neck. She moved her neck so he could get better access. He said in a sweet voice.

"I'm now going to mark you ok Baby?"

Hunter moaned in approval not understanding what his words meant. Tyler took this opportunity and sank his fangs deep into the side of Hunter's neck. Initially it was painful, as she screamed, but then there was a heightened sense of belonging to Tyler. A feeling that she so desperately needed. It was as though he had intoxicated her with a love potion and all she wanted was him.

He reluctantly pulled away from her neck and licked it a couple of times. He got up and began to leave the room.

"I'll be back after I finish my shift. Leave your window open for me, ok Baby?"

Hunter nodded and stayed on the lounge in a karmatosed state for about 20 minutes.

She gets up to eat her pizza and notices that there's still $25 on the dining table. She shrugs her shoulders, finishes her pizza then goes upstairs to bed. Before she hits her pillow she opens her window and locks her door.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now