11am - The 15th Monday morning of Year 12

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"You ready?"

Hunter looked towards Tyler he could see she was anxious yet so determined to visit her parents.

"Yeah, lets go already." She mumbled.

Tyler grabbed her hand as they walked over to the holding cells. Once inside Tyler could feel the heat radiating off Hunter's hand, she was feeling very nervous.

"Babe, we'll sort this out together, ok?"

Hunter nodded as Tyler quickly kissed her lips.

They walked inside to where Daniel her father and Lil her mother were being held. Her mother quickly looked up as though she felt Hunter's presence.

"Hunter!" she softly whispered.

"Mum!" Hunter couldn't help herself she ran over to her Mother. She placed her arms between the cell bars and they held onto each other.

"We, we, we've hurt you so much. Please Hunter believe me when we say it was never our intention. We just wanted to protect you. We're so, so very sorry."

"Hunter?" Daniel looked over at Hunter, he said her name questioningly.

"Dad!" Relief was plastered all over his face as she said those words he hoped to hear again. Hunter made her way to Daniel and they hugged through the cell bars.

"Ben, can you please open the cells and give Hunter and I time with her parents please." The guard nodded his head as he opened the cell doors allowing the prisoners to exit from their cells. Once done he walked out of the area closing a cell door behind them locking the 4 in together.

Daniel and Lil were grateful.

"We have sincerely misjudged you and your pack. We are so very sorry. I know you probably want answers right now and we're happy to give you them. We just want to make sure that whatever happens to us that Hunter will be safe and happy." Lil had tears rolling down her eyes.

"Alpha Byron actually explained all we needed to know before he died." Tyler stated.

Both Hunter's parents gasped at the news. "When did this happen?"

"During the battle, it wasn't Tyler who killed Alpha Byron, .... mum, dad, it was me."

Hunter's parents were stunned.

"I have just one question to ask you. Please take your time because the answer will determine many of our future decisions."

"Yes Alpha Tyler, continue." Daniel spoke.

"Will you allow Hunter to take her rightful place as Luna of our pack? It won't be official until she turns of age but I want her to live with me here in the packhouse immediately."


Daniel and Lil looked at each other.

Daniel spoke. "As long as she still attends school every day she is nearly half way through her final year. This is so important to her. We knew when she turned 18 things were going to change but we also knew it'd be after her final exams. She's worked so hard for this year and despite being a Luna we hope you will allow her to continue with her studies."

"Of course." Tyler responded. "Hunter can attend any University, well any close by Universities that is."

Hunter ran up to her dad and hugged him tightly.

"Ok. You guys are free to go. I will release all the hunters right now under the proviso that no harm will occur to members of our pack as well as the Crescent Moon Pack." 

"Alpha Tyler?"

"Yes Lil."

"Who is the new Alpha?"

"Well your nephew Nathaniel."

A small tear rolled down her cheek.

"That makes me very happy." She whispered. "He was always such a good kid. Hunter have you met him, he is your cousin?"

"No." Hunter replied. "I have a cousin?"

Lil nodded.

"How about when they have the official Alpha ceremony and celebration we all go?" Tyler suggested.

"Perfect." Lil smiled.

"Let's get you guys into a shower and some food. Ben, release all prisoners and move them into the bunk quarters for showers and food. Then they can leave our territory today. Dan and Lil are welcome to stay as long as they want."

Ben nodded at Tyler's instructions.

"I would like to have Hunter moved in by the weekend." Tyler was looking into Hunters eyes as he picked up her hand and gently kissed it. "I can't stand to be without her."

"That won't be an issue. We thank you for how well you have treated us all, given what we had set out to do. We hope you will forgive us. Hunter was and still is our priority but we can both see she means as much to you as she does to us. We know you will treat her like the princess she deserves to be. That's all a parent could ever want for their daughter." Daniel smiled at Tyler as he held his hand out for Tyler to shake. 

"Well we both have a great deal in common already because my aim in life is to love and protect Hunter."

"I can see you're a good man Tyler." Lil hugged Tyler. "We should have tried to get to know you first."

"Mum, dad, he is the best and I wouldn't love him if he wasn't."

Hunter didn't realise she spoke those words. Tyler's wolf was going crazy.

"Say that again please Hunter." Tyler demanded.

She looked at him confused.

"You are the best Tyler. There you go you egotistical twat."

Tyler laughed. "No, not that, the other thing you said?"

"What did I say?" She sincerely looked puzzled.

"That you loved me." He whispered onto Hunter's lips.

"That I do Tyler, very much." She smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too Hunter."

With that said both Tyler and Hunter began a heated make out session until they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Sorry Mum and Dad." Hunter blushed and they all laughed.

All Hunters were released and allowed to go home. Each signed a pack ensuring no harm would occur to a member of either the Rising Sun and Crescent Moon packs. Dan, Lil and Hunter all went home. Tyler would soon be joining her again inside her bedroom. This time he didn't have to sneak in through the window.

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