2.30am - The 14th Sunday night of Year 12

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"Hunter!" Tyler yelled out her name as he ran towards her. She'd dropped the gun to the ground and was sliding down the wall in utter shock.

Tyler tried to keep her upright but as she reached the floor she rolled herself into a ball placing her head into her knees and gripping her legs. She'd quickly gone into shock. Her hands were shaking, lips moving, her teeth chattering and her beautiful face was filled with droplet of perspiration.

Tyler bent down and picked Hunter up placing her inside his bed. He stroked her forehead and cheeks then mind linked Aidan.

Alpha Byron is dead. He made it inside my bedroom and needs to be removed. Can you please organise this to be done asap.

Certainly Alpha Tyler, is Hunter ok?

Not at all, she killed him and has gone into shock. Are there any further threats to the territory?

None at all. Everything has now been cleared.

Ok, I'll take her to the hospital now, inform Doc I'm heading over.

Tyler picked Hunter up carrying her bridal style. He turned around before leaving his room and saw Alpha Byron's still form.

"Well then, it looks like Alpha Byron was right, only I'm going to have to be the one who re- decorates. In fact I think this will now be the guest room and we'll take quarters upstairs in the loft." Tyler thought to himself.

Tyler stayed with Hunter in her hospital room until dawn. She was given some pills to calm her down and help her sleep. The doc explained that Hunter would be out for most of the morning and maybe part of the afternoon. He stood up and mind linked Aidan.

Aidan, has the body been removed?

Yes, it has. How is Hunter?

Still not good but she'll be out for a few more hours. Doc gave her some anxiety and sleeping pills.

Tyler took a deep breath.

I think we need to go pay her Mother a visit this afternoon.

Shall I meet you in the holding cells now?

Come to my office, we have heaps to discuss.

Sure, I'll be there in 5.

The mindlink was closed.

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