6pm - The 11th Friday night of Year 12

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"Hey can I get a large margarita pizza delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $20 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes. Oh actually Hunter this one's on us. Thanks again for that huge order last week. We've gotten at least 5 more orders every night because of that party."


Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings. Tyler's standing at the door holding the pizza box and in his other hand there's a Victoria Secret bag.

"Hey." Tyler looked directly into Hunter's eyes and smiled.

"Hey." She replied unsure of how he would act towards her after what happened last week.

"So, I found this on your doorstep."

"Fabulous!" She rolled her eyes. "Come on in."

Tyler walked inside placing the pizza box on the dining table.

She looked inside the bag and found a red envelope. Opening the card she read it aloud:


The time has come for you to be MINE. No one can other than me can ever have you.

You will soon be MINE. I will claim you by the next full moon.

I love you Hunter xxxx

Tyler growled he knew this was the work of a rival pack but who? She decided to ignore his strange cave man antics and looked inside the bag.

She took out a really sexy black lace two piece matching lingerie set. It was exactly Hunters size 8c bust and 8 panties. Her perfect face cringed. She was sickened by the sight of it.

Tyler sniffed the card and the lingerie. He was sure it was the scent of his rival pack. The next full moon was only three weeks away, he knew he had to act fast. Hunter didn't notice what Tyler was doing as she was currently focused on other things.

"Listen, I've gotta go. Are you going to be ok?" He grabbed her by the waist and placed his forehead on hers.

She nodded her head.

"Look go get your phone and I'll give you my number."

Hunter took in Tyler's words and grabbed her phone from the kitchen bench. He typed in his name and number then sent a text to his phone so he now had her number as well.

"Anytime you need or want me, just call. Doesn't matter what time, I'll come."

He grabbed her cheek and started to move his lips towards hers. Instead he brushed her nose with his cheek as he took in the scent from her neck. He was so tempted to lick her. He noted that small gesture sent tingles all over Hunter's body. He knew they'd soon be together, it was destined.

He seductively whispered "bye" into her ear then walked out closing the door behind him.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now