6pm - The Last Friday night of the Year 12 Year - The Epilogue

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"Hey can I get a large margarita and a large pizza with the lot delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $35 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

About 30 minutes later the door bell rings. Hunter opens the door to find Reece standing there holding their order.

"Hunter Baby. You look amazing." Reece smiled eying Hunter up and down.

She was wearing a short a line cobalt dress with black pumps. Her hair had been straightened and was hanging out. Hunter looked totally gorgeous.

"Haha, thanks Reece." She exchanged the pizza's for cash.

"Special occasion?"

"Yeah, I'm being initiated formally into a group." She placed the pizza on the dining room table.

"A uni thing?"

"Something like that."

"So the results came in this week how did you go? Is this why you're celebrating?"

"Kind of. I'm going to Uni to study Science Law. Tyler's organised a small gathering for tonight in celebration."

"How nice can I get an invite?" He gave Hunter his brightest smile.

"It's just close family and friends."

"Hunter, is Tyler around?" Reece sounded concerned.

"Yeah, do you want to talk to him or something?"

"Yeah, I do."

Hunter called out to Tyler who was inside his study. He was just finishing up a phone call with the Alpha from a neighbouring pack. There'd been some trouble inside their pack of late and they were warning Tyler of a new gang of deadly Hunters.

"Hey Tyler how's it going".

"Good mate what's up?" Tyler questioned.

Reece looked over at Hunter.

"I'm just going to hang in the lounge room." She waved goodbye to Reece and left the room.

"Well you know Silvo, I think he's in trouble with a gang. I know you're friends his Dad told me he gave you this job when I was off."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I think my Brother Tom's also involved and as much as I love him he's changed heaps, you know being a complete dick and shit. He's been hanging out with some shifty looking guys."

"Funny you should mention it all. I just got off the phone from Silvo and he mentioned they've had some major issues with an Irish gang!"

"Look I know he's my Brother but I don't know what else to do. He won't talk or even acknowledge me anymore. I don't know Silvo at all but I know he leads the Italians. His Dad Guido is oblivious to anything accept whatever happens inside the pizza shop. I don't know you well but I know you could help me maybe talk to Silvo. The guy frightens the crap out of me."

"Ok, what time are you finished tonight?" Tyler asked Reece.

"About 930."

"Call me when you're done and I'll have a chat to Silvo, maybe we can sort this out quickly."

"Sounds good to me. But listen, I don't want anything bad to happen to my Brother Tom. Please, I need to help him."

"I can't promise anything until I talk to Silvo this is his fight so maybe we can sort a plan out."

"Thanks Tyler." Reece held out his held to shake and Tyler accepted it shaking his hand back.

"Speak soon, ok?"

Reece nodded his head and walked outside shutting the door.

"What was that all about?" Hunter asked.

"There's some trouble with the Italian werewolf pack. My friend who got me the delivery job is actually the Alpha of the group, Silvo. His dad owns the Pizza Shop. Anyway he called me today to tell me about a new gang of Irish Hunters who want their territory. It looks like Tom, Reece's Brother is part of the gang. Reece wants help to get him out of the gang but Silvo wants my help to destroy them."

"Crap. Is there a way you can help them both?"

"I'm hoping so but I need to call Silvo right away."

"Ok Babe." Hunter kissed Tyler's cheek. "Pizza will be in the living room with me."

Tyler walked into his office and shut his door. He called Silvo up immediately placing him on loud speaker.


"Silvo, Tyler."

"Twice in one day, you got a crush on me or something?"

"Hahaha, you're too hairy and defo not my type I prefer sexy hot blondes." Tyler retorted.

"Lucky you, don't rub it in just cause I haven't found my mate!"

"You old man you're like 26 in a few weeks. Better hurry we don't live forever." The banter was always hilarious between these two.

"What can I do for you?" Silvo deadpanned.

"Do you know Reece who works at your Dad's shop as the delivery guy?"

"Yeah, I've seen him around. He kinda avoids me at all costs."

"That's because you intimidate the shit out of him!"

"Really? Jeez no idea why!"

"6ft4, muscled, intense, sour."

"Awww, now I know you do have a crush on me!"

"Whatever!!! Anyway, he thinks his brother is involved in the Irish gang and he's scared for him and wants us to try to get him out of it."

"Fuck Tyler. I just put out an order shoot to kill anyone who try's to come into our territory without permission."

"Look Reece is a good guy. He reckons his brother is just caught up with the wrong people and he needs to get him out of there."

"Ok, so what if he doesn't want out? What then?"

"I have no idea but can we try to help him?"

"Yeah. Get me a recent photo of him so I can show my men who he is."

"Ok, will do! Silvo?"



"No prob buddy, catch you soon."

They hung up the call.

A/N - This was the Epilogue to The Delivery Guy as well as the Prologue to Midnight Wars. Format maybe slightly different to The Delivery Guy but Tyler, Reece, Hunter and Aidan will all appear in Midnight Wars. The main guy is Silvo, Alpha of the Midnight pack. They're Italian werewolves who have links to the mafia. They are having issues inside their territory with a rival Irish gang.

The Pizza Delivery Guy - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now