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I've been inspired. This equals a new book. Yep you heard me. A new book. I'm going to try and keep up with this one. The picture above (or to the side, depends on your device) is of Avery. Now Disclaimer: I don't own any characters but the ones you haven't heard in J.K Rowlings books. Now time to begin...

Edit: This is an older book of mine, so there are a multitude of spelling and grammar errors, so please excuse these. One day I will go through and fix them all, but right now I just cannot be bothered. Sorry for the inconveniences.


Avery lie in the hospital bed. When she was younger she had been diagnosed with a disease called Cancer. Lung Cancer to be exact. For as long as she could remember she had been fighting. Fighting for her life. But she didn't fight for normal reasons. No, she fought for books.

She didn't have family. Didn't have any friends. Her family had given up on her. The one friend she had moved miles across the country to America. She was alone in the real world, but in the world of fiction she was surrounded by friends and she had fallen in love with characters.

Avery fought so she could finish the Harry Potter series. She had made a vow to herself to finish this series. A vow that said she would fight until she had drank up every word. She wished so very much that she had the friends Harry had. But she knew there was no hope.

There was one character that she thought to be just as strong as her. One who kept fighting. Remus Lupin. He was her idol.

Avery coughed as she read the last sentence of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Her vow had been accomplished. She had read the very last sentence. She felt the weight of the world leave her shoulders. She reached over to where the IV was into her arm. She reached for the oxygen masks switch and poised herself to turn it off. Her mind was tossing around the last sentence.

All was well.

She smiled. She was finally letting go. She took a deep breath and ripped the IV out of her arm, ignoring the pain. She then turned off the oxygen tank and took off the mask. She lie back down on the bed.

Soon her breath became ragged. Short little gasps. She soon saw black invading her vision. Her lungs were screaming but she paid them no attention. She closed her eyes, but with her last breath she said, "All is well."

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