Chapter Twelve

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Hey. K. Enjoy and share! 200 reads! I'm freaking out! This chapter is dedicated to @kmbell96 for writing amazing Harry Potter fan fictions! Here's a new chapter! :D You're awesome.

Avery drew her eyebrows together as all four boys watched in anticipation. Well, Peter not so much.

Sirius was biting the inside of his cheek causing him to taste metal. With a heavy heart he waited to hear her reply. But then he realized, if it was him what would he do? It would surely be awkward to find that out. Yet it would hurt a lot to figure out that it was Remus. Or even Peter.

Remus was staring at the girl. Surely it couldn't be him. He was going to use the whole, "I'm a beast so I could hurt her." Excuse, but then he realized that she was a beast too. He had a chance.

With a talkative brain Avery glanced at all of the boys surrounding her. Of course her answer was Remus or Sirius, but she didn't know if they shared her weird feelings. With her mind reeling she stood up and exited the room.

James stood there gaping. Seriously Avery had just walked out. "What in the name of Merlin just happened?" He whispered. Suddenly everyone turned to glare at Sirius.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" He exclaimed, slightly offended. It wasn't his intention to hurt Avery, he didn't even know if she was hurt. He closed his eyes and rubbed his hands over his face. "Well somebody might as well go get her." He said standing up. James stopped him by raising his hand.

"I think she's had enough of you today."

Avery walked down the deserted corridors with her mind feeling like it was going to explode. What was she to do? She wasn't even supposed to get close to the Maurderer boys, yet here she was with crushes on two of them.

"What am I supposed to do?" She whispered to the ceiling. "Why am I here? I'm supposed to be dead!" All of her bottled up feelings came pouring out. She was so confused that she didn't even notice that she started to cry. She had always been so lonely while being sick. She was alone in the hardest time of her life.

She cried her heart out. She was someone that believed that if you needed to, you could cry and let everything out. She cried until she could cry no more.

She stood up, preparing to return to the common room, but stopped short when she heard someone shouting her name. Her heart sped up a few notches when she recognized Remus' voice. Her eyes widened and she sank back to the ground. He would find her eventually.

Remus stalked down the halls occasionally shouting Avery's name. Every time he said it he got no reply and his heart was slowly sinking down to his feet. What if she was hurt? It would be all him and his friends fault. He didn't know what he would do.

"Avery!" He shouted louder than necessary and sprinted to her side. He could recognize that silver hair anywhere. "Avery what are you doing? I was so worried-" but then he stopped short. He noticed her red puffy eyes and his heart officially dropped.

"Avery what's wrong? It was just a question." He said in confusion. Surely she didn't cry over simple questions. He assumed this must have been something deeper than just asking who her favorite person was.

"Remus I'm supposed to be dead. I'm not supposed to be here. I know too many things that I don't want to know. I know how your going to die Remus! We shouldn't be friends. I shouldn't be friends with you and the Maurderers. I-I don't know what to do." Avery's voice cracked and she almost broke down crying again.

Remus stared at her bewildered. Surely he would hate her now. Avery hid her face in her hands, unable to look him in the eyes, because she didn't want to see the hate shining in the eyes that usually shine with care.

"Avery what's your middle name?" Remus asked. Avery was confused by the sudden question but she answered it nonetheless.


She could hear Remus shuffle around until he was sitting right next to her. She kept her face in her hands and listened intently. She was confused to say the least. Did he want to know how he died?

She felt Remus move her hands away from her face and he put his hands on her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. Avery kept her eyes solely focused on his forehead. She was terrified to look him in the eye because she was afraid of what she would see.

"Avery Leah Alex, listen to me. You aren't supposed to be dead. You're supposed to be here. If you were supposed to be dead you would be. As for knowing how I'm going to die, that's creepy. But it doesn't change my view on you. I love the fact that your our friend. James thinks of you as our little sister, we have no idea what we'd do without you. You don't have to do anything. Just live life to the fullest."

Avery sniffed and Remus wiped away some of her tears. She finally had enough guts to look up into his eyes and when she did she was surprised to find that there was no hate, no dislike. There was only adoration and caring. Avery bit her lower lip because of her nerves.

Remus stared at Avery. She looked so broken and fragile that it was breaking his heart. He knew almost nothing about her past. He only knew what she was willing to tell and that was small things like her favorite food and color. He searched her eyes and found sadness, but something else. She knew things he couldn't even comprehend.

The girl that he knew wasn't this girl. The Avery he knew always bit her lower lip when she was nervous. She always scrunched her eyebrows together when she had confusing thoughts. She loved to read because she liked to escape the real world. She was extremely loyal to her friends, which she had proved when she didn't run when they got in trouble. She took the blame instead.

He looked into her eyes and before he could stop himself he leaned in and kissed her. The thing that shocked him was she didn't push him away. She kissed him back.

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