Chapter 9

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Hey guys...sorry I haven't updated, but I was having a bit of writers block. But then I was like, "Why not have Avery's first werewolf change?"

Also who do you ship?

Avery and Sirius

Avery and Remus

Avery and Peter

Ok mabey not Peter, but you get the gist. I also need ship names so if you could help me. I suck at that I've come up with Averius and Revery (I personally am proud of myself for coming up with that one) So yeah. Enjoys.

Avery was nervous for the first time in a long time. Why she was nervous was because tonight was her first changing, and according to Remus it was very painful. She had seen the scars on his face and was scared that she would do that to herself.

She felt queasy, but not because she was scared. She felt as if all energy had been ripped from her and she always felt faint. Remus said it was a side effect of the full moon, but she hated it nevertheless. She sighed and threw another chocolate frog and it hit him right in the middle of his eyes. Avery giggled and Sirius laughed. Peter seemed to be off in his own little bubble and James seemed to be as well.

"I'm bored." Avery whined. It was a Sunday and they had nothing to do because Lily had made them all get there homework done. "I'm hungry." Sirius whined. "I'm annoyed." Came Remus. "I'm in love." Came the dreamy slightly dazed voice from James. Avery laughed and pecked him on the cheek. "I bet your Lily Flower will come around in the long run. Meanwhile I think we all need some food. I have a sudden hankering for some steak. Or better yet chicken. Or mabey-"

Sirius laughed silently as he watched Avery label all the kinds of meats she could remember. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she thought and she bit her lip. Every once and a while she swiped her bangs away from her face, something she did often. He thumped James on the head and whispered in his ear, "Help me. I don't know what to do." And even though he didn't tell why James seemed to understand as he said to meet him in the boys dorm.

Avery watched in confusion as James and Sirius climbed the stairs to the boys dorm. "What, are they sick of us?" Avery asked half joking. Remus cocked his head to the side, contemplated something, then shrugged and turned to Avery. "It's probably nothing. How about we go to Madam Pomfrey to get the Wolfsbane?" There was a hint of something in his voice, but Avery dismissed it as fear.

"Alright." She said solemnly not liking the sudden change in attitude. She sighed and jumped on Remus' back. "Onward." She said in a dull like tone. Remus sighed as well and headed down the stairs.

After a bit of walking he finally reached the hospital wing and turned to look at Avery. "You ready?" He asked her in a whisper. Yet he didn't know if he was asking her or himself. "As I'll ever be." She mumbled barely coherent. Remus took a deep breath and opened the door.

"So all I have to do is fall asleep?" Avery asked. It seemed so easy. She was given the Wolfsbane which would allow her to control the wolf so all she had to do was fall asleep. Madam Pomfrey said that she would pack some clothes for the both of them so it wouldn't be awkward when they awoke.

What Madam Pomfrey didn't know was that the boys would be watching over the wolves to make sure something didn't go down. Sirius was in charge of awakening Remus and then waking up Avery by screaming so he wouldn't have to see her unclothed. They would both get dressed and then come up to the hospital for there injuries if there was any.

Avery gulped and Remus hugged her whispering in her ear, "It'll be ok." It sent shivers down her spine, but she knew he didn't feel them. That was when she realized that she may actually fancy on her idol. That she might fancy on one of his best friends. She gulped knowing this might be a problem.

As they headed down to the Whomping Willow Avery couldn't help but be scared. She had been sick, but she had never been a danger to anyone. There was never a monster inside her. How was she to deal with this? Then another question hit her, What will she do for a job? Would she even be in this world long enough for a job? Would she live a normal wizard life knowing everything she knew?

She was getting sick and tired of all the secrets. Of all the lies and truths kept from her friends. She hated all the questions and she hated the unknown. It's the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more. "What?" Asked Remus. Avery's eyes widened, she had said that out loud. "I-I uh..." She stuttered. "A wise man once said those words." It was the truth, just some parts were left out. Remus scrunched up his eyebrows, but then nodded accepting her answer. When they got there she looked up at the sky. There was a cloud covering the slowly rising moon.

"Does it hurt?" Avery whimpers, clutching onto Remus' shoulder. Remus sighed. He wanted to sugar coat it. He wanted to tell her it would be painless, but he didn't want to lie. So instead he decided on the blunt truth, "Yeah. A lot." Avery whimpered and buried her face in his arm and Remus tried to comfort her.

Avery knew she had been through very painful treatments, but they were all bearable. At least back then she didn't have each bone broken and then reshaped. At least back then she didn't turn into a killing monster. She had it bad, but not the worst it could have been.

As she walked in a sudden pain shot through her. The change was beginning and she let out a small painful howl that shattered Sirius' heart.

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