Chapter 5

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Avery was mad at herself. Last night she had spent hours talking to Lily and now they were practically best friends. Despite Avery's cryptic attitude Lily still talked to her and even got her friend Alice to speak to her too.

Despite her want to stay out of the main character's lives she also wanted to be in their lives too. She surprised herself by noticing the tiny little things. The way when Lily laughed her eyes crinkled on the sides. Avery also noticed how when Lily saw James staring she blushed.

She had gotten close to Lily when she didn't mean to. Mabey it was for the best. Mabey the reason she was here was because she was given a second chance, one to make friends and live. Sirius tapped her shoulder, ripping her out of her thoughts.

She turned around and Sirius smiled at her. She returned the smile before waving to Remus. She turned to James, pointed in the direction of Lily and winked. James smiled gratefully at her and rushed off to Lily. "Hey Evans!" He shouted.

Avery smiled at the scene of a blushing Lily who hid it with her hair, and an oblivious James. Her heart tugged at the scene also, but she didn't want to be sad right now, not on her way to her favorite class, Astronomy. Her mood clearly brightened at the thought and she rushed ahead to the Astronomy Tower.

Every time she was up there she would look down into the floorboards where Harry hid from Draco Malfoy and the Death Eaters. She would look where Dumbledore had been thrown off the tower to his death by Snape, only for Snape to die a short while after. These were the only things that left a damper on her mind.

Sirius and Remus watched in amusement after Avery who rushed into the Astronomy Tower. She looked around, her mood slightly becoming sadder before turning to them and smiling brightly. The boys had started to notice how every time they went around Avery, Peter disappeared. It was as if he didn't want to be around her, which all boys found to be unlikely.

James came into the room, a frown upon his features. Avery smiled at him and it seemed to brighten his mood slightly. "If they have spells to turn people into animals can't they make a room with stars on the ceiling? I mean we wouldn't have to come out at midnight if they did that instead." Avery said trying to make him smile. James' face brightened as he pointed at her and said, "Exactly! I need my beauty sleep. We should tell Dumbledore." He continued to ramble on, but Avery ignored him.

She was too busy leaning over the railing and staring at the beautiful sky. "Although it wouldn't be even slightly as awesome as the real thing." Said Remus coming right next to her. She nodded, to consumed in the stars to care how close he was to her.

"How can something so far seem so close?" Asked Sirius appearing suddenly at her other side. Avery lightly smiled, he had no idea how true that was. She turned around to see James and Lily once again talking. Lily was smiling and it seemed she didn't even notice it. Avery's as pretty sure James had taken her advice and tried to have an actual conversation with her.

Soon the Astronomy Professor came and started class. They were to write down as many constellations and see if they could use some divination skills, like the centaurs. Avery noticed how the boys all stared expectantly at her, and they were greatly disappointed when they found she didn't have 'the sight'.

James had been sure that Avery had 'the sight' but when they had found out she didn't he was greatly shocked. How did she know so much about them if she didn't have it?

Remus stared at the skies, away from the rest of his 'little group'. He noticed that the full moon was five days away. He grabbed the lunar calendar out of his pocket and stared at it intently, so intently he didn't notice Avery come up behind him until she placed her chin on his shoulder, looking over it to see the calendar.

Avery noticed Remus standing alone and dismissed herself from the group to go see what was wrong with him. She noticed he had something in his hands and stood up on her tippy toes to see what it was, looking over his shoulder. It was a lot of work so she placed her chin on his shoulder to keep herself upright.

"Full moon in a few days." He said solemnly staring at the calendar. "Staring at the calendar isn't going to change the date. Might as well live it up until then, yeah?" He smiled lightly and she grinned an accomplished smile.

She walked away and sat across from Lily at the other side of the Astronomy Tower. "So what's it like having a crush on James Potter?" She asked casually staring at the stars above. Lily gasped and turned so fast to face Avery she was shocked she didn't get a whiplash. Avery rolled her eyes and stared even more at the sky, although her mind was listening for Lily's reply.

She knew Lily like James, just her actions shouted this. "So what if I like Potter?" Lily practically whispered. Avery shot up her mouth forming into a smile. She punched the air above her in accomplishment and shouted, "I knew it!" Earning a glare from the Professor and confused looks from the rest of the class. Avery did a little happy dance and Lily blushed.

James watched in amusement as his Lily Flower flushed the color of her hair and Avery did a little happy dance. He noticed that Sirius and Remus were staring at her fondly and he smirked knowingly. Avery had captured their hearts without even knowing it.

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