Chapter 17

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Ok, ok. I just finished reading the book: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Can't say I'm disappointed, and I'm not ashamed to say I love Scorpius' character. He's just adorable. And this chapter, well I don't know what I have planned, but there will be some funnies, so beware. Ps ALMOST 100 votes, we can do this!!!

Chapter 17

"Roses are red, violets are PURPLE!" Avery said, emphasizing the word purple. She never understood the poem, "Roses are red, violets are blue" because it wasn't right. Sirius looked at her in a weird way. The two were waiting on James, Peter, and Remus. Avery was trying to study while Sirius was practicing pickup lines.

Remus and James sat on one bed in there dorm while Peter sat on the opposite bed. "So what your telling me is, you kissed my little sister?" James screeched, looking at Remus like he was insane, which he probably was. Remus had fear flash through his eyes before he remembered this was one of his best friends.

"Yes, James. And it made me realize my feelings for Avery weren't true feeling, but just major adoration mistaken for love." Remus clarified. James nodded and Peter spoke up from across the room.

"And we all know Sirius likes her, so he's pretty much got no competition?" He squeaked. James chuckled.

"Please, he's got competition. Did you see the way Frank Longbottom was looking at her in the Great Hall? Sirius better make his move quick or he's going to loose her. Feisty Avery won't be on the market for long." He said with a sigh. Remus laughed at the look on his face and they all decided to go down to the common room. They had an amazing prank planned for Severus Snape.

"Everybody remember the charm?" James and Sirius asked in unison once they were all together. Everybody nodded their head but Avery. She knew this had to happen, but she couldn't help but worry about her friendship with Lily. This was the first time Snape would ever call her a mudblood. But it was also the first time Lily looked at James as an arrogant toe rag, but he would come to her defense also.

"Alright let's do this!" He shouted and clapped. Suddenly Lily appeared as she descended the  staircase that led to the girls dorm. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top that had James drooling. With all the heat suddenly popping up, everyone was forced to adapt. It was probably the hottest February ever.

Avery grasped her wand and ran her finger over the smooth cold stone that was the emerald green eye to the snake. She sighed, knowing she had no choice but to go along with the plan.

"Oh we're just going down to the grounds to hang out." Sirius lied, discreetly putting the Maurderers Map back in his pocket. That was how they found out where Severus would be.
"Right." Lily said, dragging out the I.  Avery sighed and put up her hand.

"They're not lying Lily, we're just going down to the grounds. Maybe you should stay up here and make us some schedules." She said with a false smile. Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James all stared at her in shock before nodding and agreeing with her. Lily's face considerably brightened. "Its about time you asked!" She exclaimed before rushing up the stairs.

Avery sighed. Peter turned to look at her and he smiled, "Nervous?" He asked her, a hint of a smirk on his face. Avery rolled her eyes, feeling like Peter was picking on her.

"Just worried about my friendship with Lily." She admitted, catching a distracted Sirius' attention as he turned to glance at her, and he cleared his throat awkwardly to make Avery's head snap towards him, her eyebrows so high they touched her hairline.

"Lily will be fine, she'll never know!" Sirius said in a comforting tone, wrapping his arm around the scowling Avery's shoulders. James and Remus looked knowingly at Sirius, James with a small smirk of satisfaction on his face and Remus with an incredibly obvious wink.

Avery rolled her eyes as Peter explained their getaway plan. "So if a professor comes out we run back into the castle, if something even worse happens we hide near the Whomping Willow. Understand?" Avery was still scowling, but one little nudge from Sirius and she was shrugging her shoulders in defeat.

"Alright let's get going."

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