Chapter 11

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Well guys I know I said I wouldn't update till my arm healed, but I can't be cruel like that so I have spent the last three hours typing this, so please excuse any mistakes. Thank you and enjoy.

Avery woke to see orange on the back of her eyelids. She briefly opened them and saw she was lying on the cold, hard, wooden ground of the shrieking shack. She groaned, not able to remember the night before. She only had mild injuries besides the pounding in her head. She stood slowly before she suddenly didn't feel so well and threw up the contents of her stomach.

She just lay there for a little while, straining her mind for memories of the previous night. She remembered the color silver, but that was it. She sighed in disappointment at herself before noticing the bag of clothes in the corner. She crawled painfully slow over to them and got dressed quite quickly in spite of her screaming muscles. She fishtail braided her hair and put it over her shoulder before walking out of the room.

Sirius had dressed Remus the second he returned to human form, and right now he was extremely thankful as Avery walked into the room. He sat up slowly and smiled softly at her. He couldn't remember how her change went last night and couldn't wait to ask her about it. He was seriously alarmed when Avery gasped and sped to his side.

When Avery first saw Remus she was ecstatic, ready to get answers on how her change went, but this all changed when she saw the huge gash going across his cheek. She sped to his side to help him and placed her hand gently on his chin. He stared at her, confusion written on his face.

Avery turned and looked around the room. In the corner there was a shaggy black dog that resembled a grim, curled up into a ball and snoring slightly. Avery sighed and stood up. She walked over to Sirius and shook his sleeping frame. He growled in his sleep which slightly scared Avery. She dismissed the silly feeling and shook him again. This time he awoke and looked at her. "Sirius, Remus has been injured, see the gash on his cheek?" She whispered to him, not wanting to alarm the werewolf.

Sirius snapped his head to Remus and felt extremely guilty. How had he not noticed the large wound on Remus' face before he fell asleep in the corner? He sighed and walked over to Remus, who looked confused. He turned out of his animigus form, happy that when he changed he had clothes on, and helped his buddy stand. He had a limp which suggested an injured leg.

He looked around for his best friends and spotted James asleep on a bed and Peter in an armchair. He rolled his eyes and instructed Avery to wake them. She glared at him before screaming at the top of her lungs, quickly awakening both boys. James sat up straight in the bed and screamed just as loud while Peter turned into a rat and scurried away.

Avery smiled at her achievement and winked at James before giving a peace sign symbol with her fingers and leaving. She walked across the ground with a scowl painted onto her face. Her headache was getting worse and it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing her brain. She massaged her temples and groaned. She noticed a pain in her wrist and assumed she had sprained it.

When Hogwarts came into view she ran as fast as her legs would take her, which was relatively fast. She looked up to the sky and saw a snow cloud explaining the cold cool in the air. "Stupid January." She grumbled. When the big double doors came into view she almost cried out in joy. She heaved opened the oak doors and walked to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey said Avery had a broken wrist and a slight concussion. She could heal the concussion, but they were low on potions so she had to wear a cast for her wrist. She groaned in disappointment before accepting the stupid contraption onto her arm. She was lucky she had broken her right wrist because she was left handed.

When Remus arrived he saw Avery seated on the bed with her newly casted arm pressed against her stomach. Her eyes were closed in pain and she kept taking deep breaths.

Avery felt like somebody had taken a knife and repeatedly stabbed her in the gut. It hurt so bad that her vision became splotchy, so she closed her eyes before heading a faint gasp. She felt her hand being held and looked over to see James through her blurry vision. He looked worried.

Sirius watched in disappointment as James held Avery's hand. He wanted to be the one to do that! But since he had to help Remus he decided to go get Madam Pomfrey, since Avery's breathing had returned to normal and she was no longer clutching her stomach. She lay back on the bed and he sighed in relief. He couldn't get the picture of the beautiful silver fox out of his head.


The next morning all of the Maurderers and Avery were seated in a circle. Lily was seated next to Avery and Remus was on her other side, much to Sirius' disliking.

They were about to pay a game of twenty questions, as suggested by Lily, and Avery was extremely nervous. She didn't want to lie to her new friends, but she had no choice. She finally decided on telling them half truths.

This version of twenty questions was different because they weren't in the twentieth century. All of the people in the circle got to ask the one person twenty questions in turn and the one person was supposed to answer. They also were only asking five each.

When it got down to Avery's turn Sirius went first.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite flower?"

Avery was overcome by a wave of sadness remembering her days in the hospital and all the flowers she got.


"Favorite Book?"

"Hogwarts : A History."

Lily smiled brightly at this when actually Avery's favorite book was Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. This reminded her to look at the bathroom and see if there was a snake on one of the sinks.

"Favorite Animal?"

"Fox." She answered immediately without any hesitation. James and Sirius' eyebrows drew together.

When they went back to normal he asked his final question, "Who's your favorite Maurderer?"

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