Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to, whythotellme for voting and commenting on my story (this one) and making my day. :D

Avery awoke screaming. Lily rushed over to her side, attempting to calm the crying girl. When she was unsuccessful she made Avery stand and put her arm around her shoulder, and went down the stairs to the common room.

The scream bounced around in Avery's head. It was high pitched and shrill, like glass shattering. She vaguely felt someone force her legs to move, despite their lead feeling. Her mind couldn't get rid of the face of the little girl she saw and she couldn't concentrate on anything. Her vision seemed to be completely clouded and blurry.

Her dream was horrible. The girl she saw at first wore a white dress, she had billowing golden hair that seemed to be made of pure gold, her only flaw was her eyes, completely black and demonic. Her dress soon had blood seeping from an area in her chest. Avery was helpless and the girl was smiling creepily. Soon then she heard a voice, "I know your secret, and know if you try anything I will not hesitate to kill you, that is if you don't tell me the future." Said the chilling voice before the girl fell to the ground screaming.

Avery was snapped back to reality when arms wrapped around her. She became familiar with the feeling of the tears on her cheeks, and the exhaustion of crying. She closed her eyes and stopped crying, the smell of the arms was familiar and it smelt good, like chocolate and old parchment. Then she recognized the smell to be Remus Lupin. She buried her head in his neck and hugged him tightly.

"He's coming to get me." She whispered before everything went black.

Sirius and Remus sat on either sides of the hospital bed where Avery lay. James stood at the foot of the bed staring at her hopefully and Lily stood right by his side, silently weeping. James had a comforting arm around Lily, and as much as she hated to admit it, she liked the feeling. Avery had been right, she had a crush on James.

Remus' head churned at an alarming rate. He hadn't told anyone what Avery said and he was debating whether he should. Who was coming to get her? Was she not safe in the safest school in all the world? Soon though Remus told them what she said.

Sirius was angry. Who was going to get Avery? Was it the man his family was following? The dark wizard who was rising in power? He told his friends his suspicions and everything went silent.

Avery was surrounded by a comforting blackness. She remembered the nightmare, but it wasn't a bad memory in here. In this place nothing scared her. She replayed the events in her mind. After Astronomy they all headed back to the common room, laughing. After the last two weeks they had become close, really close, despite her earlier wishes.

She had made it back to the common room feeling considerably happy. These were the kind of things she couldn't do back when she was sick. She couldn't laugh without coughing, she couldn't keep a friend, but here it was all possible. Anything was possible, it was possible even when she was sick, she just failed to see it.

Life can do terrible things, and she knew it. It was like trying to catch lightning in a bottle, utterly impossible, but was it really? If magic was possible, if she was here right now when she should be dead, why couldn't anything be possible? She smiled as she came to a conclusion.

Soon she decided it was time to leave the blackness and she came aware of someone crying. That was the first thing she noticed, not the searing pain in her side, no it was the crying, and she desperately wanted it to go away. "Don't cry. You need those fluids to stay alive." Avery said smiling. She heard Lily make a squeak of relief and heard her start laughing in relief too.

She opened her eyes and saw two pairs peering down at her. Grey eyes and brown eyes. "Remus. Sirius. How do you do?" She said. Sirius laughed and sat back in the seat he was sitting in. Remus smiled a smile that could light up a room. "We should be asking you the same question." Came James' voice.

Avery laughed, barely feeling the pain in her side. "I've felt worse." She said, shrugging. Sirius soon caught his breath and smiled at her. She returned it, but soon squealed internally Lily had her arms around James' shoulders sideways and was laughing into his neck. Avery smiled so broad it hurt her cheeks a bit.

James saw the broadest smile on Avery's face when she saw Lily hugging him. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he heard Avery squeal. "Bout' time." She muttered under her breath so nobody would hear. They were all reunited and Madam Pomfrey came in the room. "Care to tell me what happened?" She said looking at Avery.

The smile left Avery's face and she became more aware of the pain in her side. It was about three inches above her hip. She furrowed her eyebrows together and pulled up her shirt, slightly, to see the mark.

Right there was a cut that would most definitely scar. She gulped as she saw the shape. It looked considerably like a wolf. It was more of a carving than a cut, and it was healed before her eyes. Soon it was just a scar, she turned to the nurse and said, "I had a nightmare. Someone planted it in my head. They must have found a way to do this." she pointed at the scar. "That's impossible." Said Sirius, but he sounded doubtful.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head, "Only very rare. You were right about the dream, but this wasn't carved into your skin. Instead it was a mark you should've had at birth, but something delayed it. It's a branding mark." She said.

Avery turned to see Remus completely pale. He gulped and looked her in the eyes. He stood up and raised his shirt slightly and there, clear as day, was the same mark. "I got this the day I was bitten." He said. Then it came tumbling down on Avery like a pile of bricks, "I'm a werewolf."

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