Chapter 3

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"And why do you want to know?" Avery asked. Her heart was pounding in her chest. "You know my secret!" Shouted Remus stepping in front of her. "So!" She shouted back. "It's not like I'm going to leak it or anything jeez. Remus Lupin you might not know me, but I know you. Better than even you do." And it was true. She knew he would marry Tonks and have a son named Teddy.

"Same with the rest of you." She said. She knew Sirius would be sent to Azkaban and be falsely accused. He would also be the first to break out of Azkaban. Peter would become one of Voldemort's servants. He would pose as Scabbers. James would become the father of Harry and die at a young age.

Avery's heart exploded as she looked at James. She closed her eyes and walked forward to the gargoyle in her vision. "You don't know the password!" Shouted Sirius. "Says who?!" Shouted Avery back. Sirius seemed to consider this before running to catch up.

"Acid Pops." She said to the gargoyle. He immediately jumped aside leaving Avery in awe. "That was amazing." Said James. "The Maurderers Map is amazing to." Avery stated before jumping up the stairs leaving them standing there staring at her in shock.

Avery was acting like this because she never got the chance to when she lived her other life. She was always alone and weak, hooked up to machines.

She was three staircases away when Remus whispered to his friends, "What are we going to do with her?" They all shrugged. He sighed and followed them up the staircase after Avery.

Avery explained her situation to Dumbledore. She finished just as the boys barged in. She smiled at Dumbledore who shook his head amused, his eyes twinkling. It was weird thinking that his usual white beard was now only partially white. She shrugged the thought off before turning to the boys. "Yes?" She asked. Sirius bent over and started panting. Remus just stood there looking off into space. James was on the floor breathing heavily and Peter was missing.

Avery stood up quickly. She didn't know the age Peter was when he joined the Dark Lords side. "Remus," she said. He seemed the most composed of the three. He turned to her. "Where's Peter?" She asked. "He said he had something to do." He shrugged.

Avery groaned. She turned to Dumbledore who looked confused. "I can't tell you what I know Professor. It would change to many things. But I do know something that I wish to change if I can. But I'm not sure if I should." She said exasperated. Dumbledore cocked his head to the side. "I'm torn. I can change things but I'm not sure if it would be for the best. Ha- I mean someone that I'm aware of that will attend this school will go through tough times and I'm not sure if I can change them. I know to many things Professor and I don't know if I should change anything. Har- that same person had to go through so much but it worked out in the end. I don't know what to do." And she really didn't.

"Well Ms. Alex I'm sure you will know when the time is right." Dumbledore started his eyes twinkling mischievously. "But for now let's get your situation sorted as well as you." He said. "Wait I'm a witch?!" Avery exclaimed. Dumbledore nodded and Sirius shouted between breaths, "You didn't know that!" "No." Said Avery calmly.

James was staring at her like the others with complete and utter confusion, exasperation, awe, and intrigue. She shrugged before turning to Dumbledore who was holding the sorting hat. "The sorting hat." She whispered in awe.

Sirius was breathing heavily and he didn't know why. He had just run up at least fifty flights of stairs, but he did that often. He concluded that it must be shock. He was very confused as to how she knew so much.

Remus was thinking about the girl. She knew everything about them. She said she knew the future and could change everything. But she didn't want to. Remus was greatly confused as to what she wanted to change. Was something bad to happen to someone? And why was she so confident one minute and exasperated the next?

James was thinking about Lily. Did this girl know if they would end up together? Did she know if they would get married? And how did she know so much?

Avery sat down in a chair as the sorting hat was placed on her head. It started talking aloud so all could hear. "I'm shocked Dumbledore. So many secrets. Such pressure. Gone through many things. Fought for her life. Pushed through to reach her goal. I believe she would be a good Gryffindor. Don't you?" Dumbledore nodded. "Then it better be Gryffindor!" Shouted the hat.

Avery just sat there. She just sat there staring at her nails. She had been sorted. But what was she to do? Why was she here? Why was there so many questions?

Soon Avery was seated next to Lily staring at her sadly. This bubbly girl was going to die a brave death. Her son would never know what it was like to have her around. Harry would go through so much. She felt a tear drop down her cheek. She then buried her head in her arms waiting for The Feast to be over.

Sirius was watching Avery. Avery was looking at Lily sadly. At first he thought she was jealous but then Avery started crying silently. Sirius nudged Remus who turned around and saw her bury her head in her arms.

"Padfoot?" Asked Remus suspiciously. He had been talking to James about Lily when Sirius nudged him. Sirius pointed to Avery who had buried her head in her arms. "What about her?" Remus asked. "She's crying." Answered Sirius.

Remus raised an eyebrow and told James the news. All three watched Avery as she rubbed her slightly swollen eyes and looked up at Lily. A wave of sadness crossed her features. She turned her head and glared at Peter. It was something harsh and had Peter whimpering.

Sirius knew this girl was trouble.

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