Chapter 4

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Avery looked around as Sirius, James, and Remus led her into Diagon Alley. The place was slightly empty and wasn't bustling as it would when the school year started. They kept asking her questions, but she ignored them heading into Olivanders.

"Olivander?" She shouted into the empty room. Soon the small man with the unblinking eyes came from behind the shelves.

He looked at her obviously intrigued. She smiled at him, knowing he wouldn't know who she was. She looked him dead in the eyes without blinking and said, "I would like a wand."

Olivander nodded his head and disappeared into the back, probably grabbing boxes of wands for her to try. Meanwhile Sirius was extremely frustrated.

"I thought Olivander would have known something about her, mabey everything. If he doesn't know anything about her then who will?" He asked truly scared. He wanted to know more about this girl, but she was proving to be a closed book.

Olivander returned with one wand. It was a black wand with scales snaking around it. There was a black snake twisting around it with emerald green eyes. She looked at the beautiful wand. "Charcoal. Nine inches. Snake heart. Wispy." Avery was in awe at how beautiful it was. She gave it a wave and a warm feeling spread through her. "A Gryffindor with a snake wand? I didn't even know snake wands existed!" Said an exasperated James.

"They don't." Avery whispered to Olivander. He winked at her and said, "Special wands for special causes." This is when she knew Olivander knew her secret. "I've been waiting for this day. When you would come. Good luck Avery." He whispered to her before saying she didn't have to pay for the wand and allowing them to exit.

Avery walked down Diagon Alley with the boys before Sirius spoke up. "So where you from?" He asked. "I don't know." She replied. "Parents names?" Asked Remus. "Don't know." Avery answered before looking at James. Her heart shattered every time she saw the funny, kind, childish, and fun boy who was to die. James looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Don't ask." Avery said before running away from the boys.

She went into Knockturn Alley and shrank up against a wall. She didn't know what to do. She was so overwhelmed. Soon she decided that she wouldn't change anything. She would just have to suck it up and know the future of every body, but she wouldn't tell them. She would stay out of the known characters lives and wouldn't change them at all.

Remus was confused. Avery kept giving James and Lily sad looks. She kept looking at them with knowing looks. She knew more than Dumbledore and that was saying something. They had been searching for Avery for a while now and Remus was scared at how much he worried about her.

She was all he could think about and all he wanted to think about. Every time he opened a book the words jumbled up and all he heard was her laugh and all he saw was her smile. In class he daydreamed about running his hands through her beautiful silver hair and about staring into her bright blue eyes. He couldn't get her out of his mind, but she was out of his sight.

Sirius liked Avery. There was something about her that drew him to her. She didn't fall for his charm. She barely even paid attention to him, and it was killing him. He remembered when she told him her name. The way he thought it fit her perfectly.

Avery was confused, but she ran away from Diagon Alley and returned to Hogwarts via floo network. She had all her supplies she just needed to stay away from those boys before she changed something big. She was already sure it was bad they had even come with her to Diagon Alley.

She walked her way up to Professor Dumbledore's office and explained her plan to him. He watched her and thought it over before reluctantly agreeing. He knew she was here for a reason, but he didn't know what it was yet. He decided to let her go through with her plan until he figured it out.

The boys came back to the castle and started lecturing Avery on how they had better things to do. She just smiled at them and Dumbledore gave her the timetable she needed for the next day. Personally she couldn't wait for astronomy or transfiguration, and every second of the day was agonizingly long. Dumbledore told her the password for the Gryffindor common room (Stello) and allowed the boys to escort her, as she had no idea where the common room was.

She was already regretting her decision just by looking at Sirius. He would have to spend his whole amount of adult years in Azkaban, yet he would be the first to ever break out. If James didn't die Harry might not meet Ron or Hermione and he might not be able to learn all the lessons he did. She was so torn.

When they got up to the common room she laid it straight on them, "Please stay away from me. You have no idea how important it is." She said desperation leaking into her tone. Her eyes shone bright of sadness, but only the boys noticed this.

"After everything you know you want us to just let you go? You want us to take the risk of you telling everyone Remus' secret? Are you mad?" James said, feeling desperate. He knew this girl was special and for some reason he didn't want to let her get hurt. He felt like her older brother and he hadn't even known her for that long.

"Yes." Avery said sheepishly and Sirius chuckled, James sighed, and Remus face-palmed. "Listen it's really important. I don't want to change anything." Avery said. She was about to the point of getting on her knees and begging. She really wanted this to be over with.

"No." The boys all said in unison. Avery groaned in exasperation. "Pretty please with sugar on top?" Then she realized her mistake. They didn't talk like that in this time period. James raised and eyebrow, Sirius rolled his eyes, and Remus just full on stared.

Avery sighed and ignored them and ran up to the girls dormitory. As she opened the door she ran into someone. Lily Evans.

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