Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to @Honeyfern1026 or voting on three chapters. I hope you enjoy this one. :P

As Avery lay in the hospital wing with James eating out her ear talking about Quidditch and explaining it to her, Sirius sit there watching her eyes light up as he tells her about the roll of the beaters. Sirius couldn't help but be curious about Avery. He didn't know anything about her past and every time he brought it up she skillfully changed the subject before he even realized it. She looked at him with a huge smile plastered on her face, she bit her lower lip and turned back to James, but the twinkle in her eyes was gone and you could tell she was deep in thought.

Avery's heart pounded in her ears as she realized what this meant. When she looked at Sirius butterflies had erupted in her stomach and to be honest it scared her. She couldn't fall for him, it would change everything. She bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood, but was snapped out of her daze when the door to the hospital wing swung open and in its door frame stood Remus with Dumbledore right next to him.

She had thinking and rethinking the newly formed mark on her hip, and to be perfectly honest the concept scared her. She wasn't afraid of the changing, she was afraid of what her friends, Lily and Alice, would think. She was afraid of the sudden ability to smell small things in the air and the sudden new strength. Remus had told her these were the perks of being a werewolf, but it still scared her.

Remus was sad and excited about Avery being a werewolf. He was sad that she had to go through what he did, but he was excited to spend more time with her and help her through her first change. He knew that nobody judged Avery inside their little circle, but you could tell how insecure she had felt about it.

"Sirius, James, can I talk to Avery alone for a minute please?" He asked as politely as possible. He noticed something flash in Sirius' eyes, but dismissed it as he got up and left the room, James hot on his tail. He sat down and looked at Avery who had fear etched on her face. She refused to look in his eyes like she always did with everyone else. He was slightly sad at this, but soon decided to let it slide as he began to speak. "Avery are you ok?" He knew it was something dumb to say, but he wanted to get the conversation going.

She surprised him by looking him in the eyes and saying, "I'm always ok." But her eyes told another story. The lightning blue irises swam with a sadness so deep it almost made Remus faint, yet he knew this wasn't about being a werewolf.

Avery had been thinking and she had realized it hurt to keep her past from them all. It hurt to see the group so happy and carefree when she knew their fate. She wanted to tell them, but it's never good if you know your future. It could drive them all insane, but it still broke her heart. Remus asked if she was ok. She wasn't. On the inside her heart had been ripped and was slowly bleeding, throbbing inside her chest with a pain so intense she felt dizzy.

He shook his head and cupped her face with his hands. "You're not ok." He whispers. Avery bit her lower lip and looked down. "No. I'm not, but you are and that's all that matters. That all of you guys are happy and...ok." Avery's voice cracked when she said the last word. She knew they wouldn't be ok. They would hurt.

"Moony are you almost done?" Came the voice of Sirius from outside the door. "Wormtail won't shut up!" He shouted plea ringing in his voice laced with something else unknown. Avery laughed and got out of the bed. "Keep them out, I'm going to get dressed." She said smiling at Remus. Her eyes refused to look into his again and their absence left a hole inside him. He nodded and walked out into the hall.

Avery changed into some clothes she had sewn herself based on the fashions of the modern day she had been from before coming into this world. She had jeans with holes ripped on the knees and a dark blue flowy tank top despite the chilling weather. She put on some converse and braided her hair fishtail style and set it over her left shoulder. When she was satisfied with her look she stepped out into the hall swinging her bag over her right shoulder.

As she stepped out into the hall she saw Sirius and Remus deep in conversation. She smirked and slowly crept in the shadows until she was right behind Sirius who's back was facing her. She took a deep breath and leapt onto his back shouting, "Onward." In a posh accent. Sirius stiffened at first, but soon loosened up when he realised it was Avery.

Remus felt jealous seeing Avery laughing on Sirius' back, and it felt weird to him. He watched as she whispered something in Sirius' ear and turned to look at him biting her lower lip and sending his heart into overdrive in his chest.

"We should go get Lily and then all of us should go for a swim in the prefects bathroom." Avery whispered in Sirius' ear. She was afraid Remus wouldn't want to come because of the good boy he was so she looked back at him biting her lip, deep in thought. Something flashed in Remus' eyes when she looked into them for a split second and it sent her brain into a deeper thought. There was no way she was falling for them. Was there?

When they got to the Gryffindor common room Avery leapt off Sirius' back leaving him feeling empty inside. That was until she smiled a genuine smile at him and rushed up the stairs to the girls dorm to go get Lily. He had no idea how Avery knew where the prefects bathroom was, but he didn't question it.

After about ten minutes of convincing Avery finally got Lily to come with them because they technically weren't breaking any rules, nobody ever said you weren't allowed in the prefect bathroom they just said prefects were allowed. Avery cheered in her head at her logical reasoning as she changed into her bikini that hugged her skinny frame. It was one of Lily's and clashed perfectly with her silver hair, it being black at the top and gradually getting to black once it got to the bottom. She put her other clothes on top of the suit for Lily.

When they went down into the common room all the Maurderer boys were dressed in swim trunks and had loose white shirts on. Avery smiled broadly at Remus and he returned if half-heartedly deep in thought. Avery decided to let it slide and jumped on his back shouting, "Onward!" Once again, sending a smile to his face.

Lily watched Sirius stare with jealousy written all over his face at Avery on Remus' back while Remus looked like he had just found out there was a cure to being a werewolf. She nudged James in the ribs with her elbow and pointed, "Sirius definitely fancies Avery." She said a smug smile on her face. "So does Remus." Said James. "Oh we got a love triangle going on." Lily squealed.

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