Chapter 2

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Avery felt her smile drop as she turned the corner. She didn't have a wand. Heck she didn't even know if she was a witch. She felt a feeling of dread come over her body. What was she to do? She gulped and walked to a compartment.

Meanwhile Sirius sat in the compartment the four boys had claimed. His mind was churning of her words to him. 'That's for me to know and for you to find out' she had said. "Padfoot what are you thinking about?" Asked James.

"New girl. Some things up with her. She knew about us." He said.

Remus nodded his head in understanding. "Did any one notice she didn't have a trunk. Or a wand. Or robes. She didn't have anything." He said. Sirius and James nodded at this statement. Peter had paled ever since she had whispered something to him, but they all dismissed it.

"She had so much confidence though. It's insane. To think she had the nerve not to tell us her name." Said James.

"And to tell you to keep trying with Evans. She's definitely the same age as us but I've never seen her. She's a face I would remember." Said Sirius.

Remus felt a pang in his chest but he dismissed it. "What did she say to you Peter?" He asked.

"Uh...She....She said out a blue drink this year." Peter lied.

"Hmmm. Do you think she's a fortune teller like the divination teacher?" Asked James.

"Yeah it's possible, but she didn't tell us about our futures. Only about our present and past." Said Sirius.

Peter paled even more at this. Remus buried his nose back in his book his suspicion rising. What if the girl leaked his secret. "She seemed completely calm at the thought of me being a werewolf though. She wasn't scared or anything." He said.

Sirius nodded, becoming more and more intrigued by this girl. He was confused by her looks. She had that silver hair. Not aging hair just like the color of the silver goblets at Hogwarts.

"And when she asked-which she shouldn't have done because if she belonged she would know- about where she was, she seemed unsure of herself. As if she had just appeared here." Said Remus. James and Sirius nodded in reply.

The rest of the train ride the boy's thoughts remained on the silver haired girl.

Avery took a deep breath as she climbed off the train. She was the only one not in her robes, because she didn't have any. She pursed her lips and walked to the carriages. She couldn't see the thestrals but she knew they were there. Before she got in a carriage she reached out her hand. When it came in contact with leathery skin she started petting the thestral. She smiled at it as it nudged her hand.

She laughed, but was interrupted by remembering she had to board a carriage. She opened the carriage and immediately wanted to leave, but the carriage started moving.

Seated inside was Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter. She groaned at the sight of them. A girl with firey red hair and emerald green eyes shot her a grateful look. She raised her eye at her and sat down. All attention was on Avery.

She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. "Name." Said James. "No." Said Avery. James groaned and Avery smirked. Avery returned her attention to the red haired girl. "Lily Po-Evans." She said. Lily nodded her head. "Has the attention of James Potter who won't leave her alone always asking her out." Avery said. Lily nodded again looked suspicious while the everyone but Remus looked at her in amazement. Remus looked intrigued.

Avery shrugged. She felt the carriage come to a stop and she stood up but not before turning to Sirius. "Also Sirius I go by Avery." I said before jumping out of the carriage, Lily following. Avery smiled at her and she returned it. She looked down at Avery's attire and raised her eyebrow. "Why aren't you wearing your robes?" She asked.

"Don't got none." Avery replied acting as if it was no big deal. "Oh well then give me your wand and I can get you some with a special charm I learned." Said Lily. "Don't got a wand either." Whispered Avery. "What?!" Exclaimed Lily getting attention drawn to them.

"Lily you're making a scene." Said Avery. Lily though paid no attention as she said, "We need to take you to Dumbledore." Avery sighed, knowing there was no putting it off anymore.

"I'll come along." Said three voices from behind them. Avery spun around to see Sirius, Remus, and James. "Lily dear, go to hogsmede with me this year?" Asked James. Avery just rolled her eyes as Lily declined. Lily couldn't help but notice that Sirius and Remus were staring at Avery as she stared at her black nails.

Avery knew that James and Lily would end up together in their seventh year but she wasn't going to tell them that. It was just weird seeing them act like this when she knew they would be having Harry. Then it hit her. She could change how things happened. She could make sure Peter didn't become a death eater and betray James and Lily.

Avery stared down at her beautiful black nails ignoring the conversation going on outside her head.

But did she really want to change anything? Of course it would hurt to see Lily and James die, but for Harry it would change everything. He wouldn't learn all those good lessons. He might not defeat Voldemort. Should she-

"Avery!" Shouted Lily snapping her attention back to the real world. Avery's head shot up and she looked at her surroundings, feeling sick to her stomach as Lily smiled at her, knowing that she would never smile that smile to Harry for him to remember. She felt tears well up in her eyes, she dismissed them for fear someone would see. Lily dismissed herself to the Great Hall, leaving Avery alone with the boys.

As they made their way up to the gargoyle Avery got asked the question she dreaded, "So how'd you know about us? And about my secret?" Asked Remus.

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