Chapter 20 (FIN)

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So, guys, this is the last chapter of "Through The Books" and I just wanted to say thank you for reading. Its been such a pleasant experience recieving all those votes, and finally getting a book that has reached a thousand reads. "Through The Books" will always hold a special place in my heart, but its over...


Avery scrubbed the table for what felt like the seven hundreth time that day, angrily muttering under her breath at the travelers who came and went through The Leaky Cauldron on a day to day basis.

"Oh, Ave. C'mon here's another booth." Sirius cried out to his distraught fiancé as she scrubbed the booth for the millionth time.

"No, Siri, this is the booth we all sat in all those years ago! Don't you remember? And besides, Lily and James have got news and we both know its the baby and so when we all sit down it will be a nostolgic feeling like way back when we were little fifth years." She continued scrubbing.

Sirius walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist and pecked her on the lips affectionately in an attempt to soothe her. "Then they won't mind a little speck of dust, Aves." He reasoned.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm overreacting again." Avery sighed pressing her fingers to her temples in an attempt to soothe her headache.

"Avery, you're only eighteen and you're already getting grey hairs." Rang a voice that Avery happily recognized.

"Remmy!" Avery launched herself across the room and clung to Remus like a starved koala bear. "Tell me how it went!"

Avery, of course, was referring to the date he had recently gone on with someone. She knew it hadn't gone well, because he was to end up with Tonks, but she needed the excuse to be close to her best friend who seemed to be distancing himself from her and Sirius.

Remus chuckled a deep throaty chuckle and pried Avery off his arm.

"It was a bust," He clarified and Avery pretended to look deflated. "but we get free chocolate from Honeydukes until the day we die so thats a plus."

Sirius laughed, but paused when he saw something over Avery's shoulder. "Lily, wow you're getting big!" He cried with that glint in his eyes.

"Can in Black! Just because I have a watermellon for a stomach doesn't mean I won't hit you upside the head with my shoe!" Lily cried back, causing the entire group of friends to laugh as James and Peter entered the room. Avery was in too much of a good mood to even realize Peter's presence as she smacked James on the back of the head.

"WHAT WAS THAT BLOODY FOR?" He cried angrily.

"Mind your blood pressure, dear." Lily laughed jokingly and everyone laughed and plopped themselves into the stools around the table/booth area.

After everyone had caught up and had warm butterbeer settling in the bottom of their stomachs (with the exception of Lily who had a muggle bottle of water) Avery finally broke the comfortable silence.

"So...boy or girl?"

Lily blushed and James grabbed her hand underneath the table. "Boy." He confirmed and the entire group raised their glasses with a combined cheer of happiness and there was drinking and happy squeals as Avery pestered Lily for a name.

"Well, actually, we need your guys' help naming him." Lily smiled.

Avery's mouth dropped open because she definitely hadn't read about this in the books. The Maurderers named Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived. Avery squealed.

"How about Cedric?" Remus inquired. Avery almost choked.

"No, thats what Amos Diggory is naming his boy." Lily claimed and everyone was silent. Avery was about bursting at the seams in anticipation for someone, anyone, to say HARRY.

"What about Neville?" Peter announced. Once again Avery choked.

"No, I don't think it fits." James muttered.

"I've got one." Avery finally said, unable to contain herself. "What about Harry? It has a nice ring to it."

"Harry Potter." James tried it. He smiled.

"Harry James Potter." Sirius said quietly.

"I like it." James and Lily said in unison and then smiled.


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