Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to the amazing and talented: BrookeBatterson also as a side note for this chapter I needed to do some research and so I took some stuff from Wiki.

That's all! Enjoy!Avery trudged after the gang, her heart in her throat

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That's all! Enjoy!
Avery trudged after the gang, her heart in her throat. She clutched her wand to her chest, ignoring the curious stares of her fellow Hogwarts students. They all seemed to be in a shock at how swiftly and politely the boys were moving, expecting them to be rowdy as they always were.

Sirius threw his arm around Avery's shoulder, his smirk lighting up the corridor. People jumped out of the way, slightly terrified at the confident way the boys were walking.

Out of the corner of her eye, Avery saw Tonks. She was staring longingly at Remus, but he continued on obliviously with a slight limp in his step. Avery stared at Tonks with a little bit of something gripping at her heart. At first she thought it was jealousy, for she had liked Remus for a while, but then she realized it was sadness. She knew how the lovers would end and even at that point the memories stuck to her like a needle in her skin.

"Why are we doing this?" She asked apprehensively, directed towards Sirius. A girl from across the halls stares at him hopefully, a dreamy look in her eyes, but he doesn't notice. Remus looked pale and concentrated on the way his feet moved beneath him, sending him gliding across the corridor with a slight magical ease.

Once they finally reach the outside grounds, they all plop under their beech tree, half of the group with fake smiles and the other half with excited glances. Avery was the only one who seemed to be worried about this occurrence, but she was ready to comfort Lily if she had to. Avery glances around and sees some girls with their feet dangling dangerously in the Black Lake, careless smiles and wisps of their hair dancing along in the wind.

Eventually James gets bored and pulls a snitch out from his pocket. Peter asks where he got it and, with a cocky smile, James answers, "Nicked it last practice." This causes Avery to roll her beautiful eyes in annoyance whilst Sirius laughs a booming laugh and slaps his hand on James' shoulder appreciatively.


Avery watched as he let it go a few feet away from him before he snatched it up in his calloused palms with a low chuckle. Avery was getting increasingly worried, and it seemed as if Peter was too. Avery could barely stand it, knowing she was about to be a cause in Snape's worst memory. She just couldn't believe she could do such a thing, and she barely thought her friends could do anything like it either, but she knew she was wrong. It was eating her alive from the inside, a leech that she just couldn't pull off.

That's when she sees him. Snape, sitting alone by the wall of Hogwarts, attentively attacking a book with his eyes. Avery tries to look away, before the boys realize where her attention has been. It works, and she finds herself staring at Peter as he claps obnoxiously, watching his idol with the lightning fast reflexes and a million dollar smile. Remus has taken out a Potions book, flipping through the pages with a hidden excitement. Sirius seems to be looking around, his eyes dancing across the grounds with a sort of boredom.

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