Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 is dedicated to the awesome a_little_bit_strange for voting and commenting. (Sugar is doing wonderfully by the way) Ok so onto the drama story. P.s Should I keep this story going? Comment below and tell me, and maybe I'll keep it going. Next chapter might be the last one though....

Avery lay on her bed in the commons room, staring at her velvet pillow with disdain and anger. She kept mumbling things to herself, shaking her head every now and then to escape a thought. The entire room smelled of chocolate, mostly because Remus had sent his owl up to her room with so much chocolate wrapped up in a moon-shaped box the owl seemed to have stretched its legs just because of the weight. It was her birthday and it seemed that Remus was the only one of her friends to remember that fact.

She sighed a deep throaty sigh as she continued to sadly munch on chocolate, paying the tawny owl with a knut before it fluttered it's way down to the owlery. She hadn't seen James in forever, and she wasn't quite sure she wanted to. Sirius had taken James' side as always. If Avery hadn't read the books she would've suspected something deeper was going on between the two best friends.

Peter and Remus were the only ones who stayed by her side. She felt as if her entire friend group had been split up, and she hated that she was the cause of it. This was all her fault, and the Maurderers were hating on eachother because of her. She couldn't help but think that maybe if she left things would become better between the group, so that's what she did.

Avery found herself secretly walking around the castle after hours, in search of something. The stone that hid the enterance to the Headmasters office was well concealed, and she found herself out for hours in search of it. She wanted to ask him if she could drop out. She knew she didn't belong here, and she knew that maybe she should just give this Harry Potter world up. She couldn't help it. She knew she would miss her friends, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Eventually, she ran into the Professor himself.

"Avery, may I ask what you are doing wandering the halls past curfew?" Dumbledore asked magically. He didn't sound angry, or ever disappointed, more amused than anything. A light smile played at the older man's lips, but once Avery explained herself it dropped quicker than a snitch.

"You want to leave Hogwarts because you feel you don't belong?" He clarified with a questioning tone. Avery nodded, happy that he understood.

"Do the boys know about this?" He finally asked after a few seconds of tense silence.

"N-no." Avery stuttered helplessly. "I've caused them enough distress already. My leaving will just make things easier on them. I only bring chaos wherever I go."

Dumbledore hummed thoughtfully. "Perhaps you do. Come with me to my office where we will figure some things out." He finally said. Avery nodded solemnly and trailed after him, dragging her feet behind her.

"Professor, may I ask you some advice?" Avery said, breaking the tense silence.

"Of course." The twinkle in his eyes had returned behind his half moon spectacles.

"When I leave, well, should I leave all my friends a note explaining myself?" She had been debating this for a while.

"I believe they would appreciate that. But, if your not comfortable with it I advise you don't."

Avery sighed sadly, feeling slightly anxious with her decision, but she was stubborn and was not going to give up on herself. She was going to make her friends forget about all the pain, suffering, and drama she had sprung upon them.

Lily Evans was absolutely fuming by the time she had returned to her dorm. A student she had been tutoring in potions had cast a charm accidentally and nearly blew all of her hair off. She was ready to complain to an eager Avery, but when she entered her dorm she found that Avery was gone, and so was the rest of her stuff. She ran to the window to see if it was a full moon, figuring that maybe Avery had gone to the Whomping Willow for her change, but the moon was a curved cresent floating among cloudy seas.

A small panic gripped Lily's heart, so she sped down the stairs of her dorm and ran into the Common Room, seeing a studying Remus curled up in an armchair with a thick leather-bound book. "Remus." She began tentively, unsure if the werewolf was upset with her. To her great relief, Remus looked up and fixed her with a questioning glance.

"Lily? Why, you look as pale as a ghost. Here have a chocolate." Remus handed a chocolate to LIly, but the worried red head disgarded it and threw it across the room.

"Remus, have you seen Avery?" She began wringing her hands when Remus shook his head.

"No, I thought she was with you." A crease formed between his eyebrows.

Lily finally allowed herself to panic. "All of her stuff is gone." She said and a shocked look came on Remus' face.

"You don't think-" Before he could even finish his sentence he sped up the boys dormitory with Lily hot on his trails. Remus kicked the door open, making an angry Sirius slam his head into the wall with shock and for a shocked James to fall out of his bed, tangled in his sheets with a floating snitch hovering in the air four feet above him.

"Remus, what the blood-"

"Avery's missing."

Avery sat in the Professors office with her newly aquired stuff from the beginning of the school year tucked neatly into a cracked wooden trunk. Her feet were tucked beneath her and she was waiting for the Professor to return with the owner of The Leaky Cauldron, Tom, so she could apply for a job there.

A broomstick was clutched in her left hand and her owl was perched happily on her shoulder and nipping her ear affectionately. A knot of grey was forming in her stomach as she glanced around the office one last time, feeling the magic radiate from the walls one last time. She was finally leaving this magical place of anguish.

Her thoughts were surprisingly calm. It was as if she was dying, memories passing by at lightning speed behind her closed eyelids, virbrant colors of blues and reds and yellows. She could hear splashing as she swam, hear squeals as she pranked the boys, hear loud laughs from Lily as they sat in the Common Room playing petty games. She could smell butterbeer and Sirius' calogne as they sat in The Leaky Cauldron, positively annoying the older guests who had come in for relaxation. She could taste chocolate from sitting on the hardwood floor of boys dorm, mulling over the map with the boys and planning pranks. She could feel herself scratching her name next to Peter's on the map with a quill. She could feel her stomach pressed against Remus' back as he hauled her through the corridors via piggyback ride.

These were memories she was going to be forced to forget.

She heaved a deep sigh of sadness and prepared herself for the next chapter in her life. She was going to give everything up.

And for once, since the time she had come into this world, she felt completely and utterly alone.

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