Chapter 10

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Something wasn't right. Sirius knew this as he watched Avery writhe on the floor. Remus had already changed and was staring intently at Avery with an unreadable expression on his wolf features. Soon Avery just stopped writhing and she lay there still. Then something happened that none of them could explain, or had anyone expected.

To Avery the pain was almost unbearable. Her screams echoed through the night, most likely waking the residents of Hogsmeade. It was worse than the crutacious (sp?) curse, she was sure of it. Her body seemed to be ripping apart and then being mended back together, all the while needles were prickling ever inch of her tender skin. Acid was being poured on her, snakes were constricting around her, fire raced through her veins, every bone broke, her head pounded in her skull. Then it all abruptly stopped. She felt her body slowly shift into something else, but she didn't feel any pain.

Soon she was on all fours. Her eyesight was more pronounced. Her padded feet gave her a peacefulness and a sense of grace. She shook her body getting rid of the pleasant tingles and stared up at the chocolate and silver eyes of her friends, they stared at her with different emotions swimming around in their eyes.

Awe, shock, disbelief, and beauty. It was hard to explain, even to herself, but she sensed it there. She softly padded over to Sirius and licked his nose. Then she turned to Remus and did the same. She turned to James and licked his ear. She felt grace, peaceful. And she loved it.

A beautiful melodic voice spoke in her head, "Hello Avery. I am Stella and I am your Fox. I'm here until the day you die, always and forever, a part of you."

Remus was in awe at the sight before him. Unlike the wolf he expected her to turn into, she had turned into something far more beautiful. Standing before him was a Fox, about medium sized, with shimmering hair that seemed to be woven out of pure silver. She walked along, barely making a sound, as her blue eyes stared intently at him and Sirius. She licked both of their noses, the contact sending shivers up his spine. His wolf howled happily inside.

After a night of fun and chasing people around they all seemed to come to an agreement and they all settled down for the night. Avery curled up in a ball beside Remus and he made a crescent shape with his body to go at around her.

Sirius sat at the other side of the room ready to drag Remus away when he fell asleep so the morning wouldn't be awkward. When he finally did he pulled Remus gently away and closed him inside a room, softly closing the door. He did the same with Avery, but in a different room. Soon all were asleep.

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