Chapter Fifteen

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Two things. 1) I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. If you've stuck with this book, waiting for an update, you're the most patient person ever. 2) I'm so excited for the new Harry Potter book and movie! I can't wait for them to come out!

Avery woke up in the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts. She tried to open her eyes, but the light emitting from the ceiling caused her to have a pounding headache. She moved her hand up from its place on the bed to cover her eyes. She heard someone say, "She's awake!" And then a lot of shuffling followed.

Sirius was sitting on the chair right next to Avery when he saw her hand move to cover her eyes. He was so caught up in happiness that it took him a full thirty seconds to realize that he should call out to his friends and Madam Pomfery. "She's awake!" He called and immediately James' head snapped in his direction. When he saw that the position of Avery's hand had moved he squealed.

James stood there for a second looking at Sirius. The sound that had just come out of his mouth was anything but manly, and he found himself looking over at Lily who was talking to the nurse with Remus and Peter. Realizing that she didn't hear it he sighed in relief and looked at his unrelated brother.

Avery tried to sit up but her head shook and tears sprang to her eyes. Her ribs were killing her at the moment and her stomach felt like it would explode. She was beyond confused. She let out a loud cry of pain and suddenly she felt a hand on her forehead and a hand in hers. She felt her arm being moved, but tried to fight it. She wouldn't let them see her cry, she'd be thought of as a cry baby.

"Avery move your hand I need to see your eyes." Came Poppy's voice from the foot of her bed. Avery cautiously moved her hand and tried to wipe away her tears, but James beat her to it. She saw that James' hand was on Avery's forehead and Sirius' hand was placed in hers. Remus had both of his hands on his head, fear evident in his eyes. Behind him stood a smiling Lily.

"They're beautiful." Lily said in an awestruck voice. Avery's eyebrows formed themselves together as she stared at her best friend. She looked around at all her friends as they breathed in and out again. Each and every one of them stared at her eyes. She felt self conscious and went to cover them, but was stopped when she heard the door open.

Peter turned his head to see the one and only Albus Dumbledore come into the room. His purple robes with yellow stars on them hung around his shoulders and his beard was tied. His half moon glasses were on his nose, slightly far down. "I heard Ms. Alex has woken up." He said with a smile on his face. Peter smiled at Professor Dumbledore and motioned for him to look at Avery.

Professor Dumbledore looked over at Avery and upon seeing her newly violet eyes, smiled. Her hair was no longer a shade of bright silver, but a shade of pure white. Her skin had tanned over time, giving her a magical look. Magic seemed to radiate off of her. It seemed that Avery was completely and utterly confused so Albus turned to Poppy.

"Have you not told her yet?" He asked. Poppy blushed a light pink and said no to the headmaster. The truth was Poppy didn't know what had happened to Avery and hoped Albus would be able to tell Avery instead. Professor Dumbledore just smiled and turned to James.

"Well Avery has been given a special gift. You all know what a seer is, correct?" Avery felt her heart catch in her throat. First a werewolf, and now a seer? What was going on? That was what Avery thought until Dumbledore continued.

"Avery is part of a profecy (Ik it's not spelled right Idk how to spell it). And she may be able to save us all."

Sorry it was kind of short I'm just running out of ideas here. :( writers block is a demon.

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