Chapter One

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Welcome dear reader. Now I realize you may not be reading this. Just skipping over it (as I do that myself) but if you are reading this thank you. Now go below and comment. I just want feedback and people to read my stuff. If you do both of these it will most likely make my day.


Avery opened her eyes only to be blinded. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was the words, All was well. And then, All is well. Then it all came back to her. Her life coming down on her feeling like it was crushing her skull. Her fists clenched, the pain agonizing.

When it all was finished she let out a sigh of relief. She pushed back her silver hair. Her hair was silver?Then it hit her. She had hair! She ran her fingers through the silky hair, it feeling like little wisps going through her fingers. It was extremely soft and she loved it.

When she was done examining her hair she turned to examine her surroundings. She was in what seemed to be a train compartment, but it looked a little different. She cocked her head to the side, taking in the plush red seats, the shelves, and the window.

She walked over to the mirror wanting to figure out where she was. She opened the window and peered out. She looked down to see the train was scarlet. She noticed how her breath came with no struggle. How she had hair. It seemed she had been cured, yet she didn't know how. She remembered dying, so where was she? Was this the afterlife?

She returned her attention to the outside to see kids hugging their parents. Some were pushing trolleys with- her thoughts were cut short when the door to the compartment opened. She spun around to see four boys. One had thin wired glasses, hazel eyes, and raven black hair that didn't seem like it could be tamed. Her eyes widened when she saw him. It was a boy that looked like Harry Potter.

But then she noticed the other people with him. One had black locks that went down to about his shoulders. He had silver eyes that were screaming mischief. He stood with pure confidence.

She looked to the next boy who had a plump body and had teeth that resembled rat teeth. He had a patch of blonde hair atop his head and was looking at the first two boys as if they were gods.

Then she turned to the final boy. He had scars on his face. His eyes were a warm chocolate color and he had blonde hair that could be easily mistaken for brown. He was tall and stood with a book by his side.

That's when it hit Avery. Looks like Harry but with different colored eyes. James Potter. That meant that the others had to be Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and, her idol, Remus Lupin. She gasped.

"You're the Maurderers." She whispered. Sirius' eyes widened. "How do you know about that?" He asks Avery. "I know a lot about you guys." Avery said. She pointed to Peter. "Peter Pettigrew. Also known as Wormtail. Unregistered animigus as a rat." She turned to Sirius. "Sirius Black. Also known as Padfoot. Unregistered animigus of a black dog, or a grim." She pointed at James. "James Potter. Also known as Prongs. Unregistered animigus as a stag." And lastly she turned to Remus who had paled. "Remus Lupin. Also known as Moony. Werewolf."

When she had finished her little profiling speech she took in their faces. They held pure and utter shock. Avery blushed and looked down. She turned to the window allowing themselves to recompose themselves. She closed it and admired her reflection. She looked considerably different with hair. Her bright blue eyes stood out even more against her pale skin. For once in her life she considered herself as beautiful.

She smiled and saw straight white teeth. Not the normal yellow ones she got from them dying. She was shocked at the way she looked. She looked down and admired her outfit. Unlike the usual hospital gown she was in a white shirt covered by a light grey hoodie. She wasn't sure if hoodie's had even existed in this time period. She looked even further down and saw she was wearing deep blue jeans. She blinked and looked down at the black combat boots.

Avery went to bite her nails when she stopped and saw them painted a lovely black. It was the black of the night sky after all the stars had come out. She was shocked at the utter beauty, but her train of thought was interrupted when she heard a voice. "How do you know all of that?" Asked Remus.

He looked considerably pale as if he had seen a ghost. Which he probably had if he went to Hogwarts. Avery ignored the question and asked the one burning in the back of her skull. "Is this the Hogwarts Express heading to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" She asked. All of the boys nodded their heads numbly.

She took a deep breathe before clapping her hands loudly snapping their attention back to her. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about your furry little problem Remus." She said looking at him. She then brushed her bangs to the side and turned to Pettigrew. "Peter. Be careful of the decisions you make. You don't always have to follow the crowd. Especially if it's a bad one." She whispered to him before opening the compartment door and sliding out.

Only then did the boys compose themselves and Sirius yelled out the compartment door, "Who are you? What's your name?" Avery turned around a faced him. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." She said before turning around. That would be considerably hard considering no body knew she existed. She winked at James and said, "Keep trying with Lily. For all you know she might come round." And she left them leaving them gobsmacked. This should be fun.

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