Chapter Thirteen

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When Remus opened his eyes he gulped. He didn't think Avery liked him like that. He soon concluded that it was just a spur of the moment type deal.

"I'm sorry. It was just a spur of the moment." He said embarrassed. He hoped that this wouldn't make Avery hate him. As much as he wanted to kiss her every day he didn't want to embarrass himself by declaring his feelings.

Avery felt her heart drop lower than the earth itself. Then she remembered how Nymphadora Tonks was supposed to marry this man and she sighed. "Yeah, spur of the moment." She mumbled more to herself then to him.

She quickly stood up and apologized to Remus. "I'm sorry for my little rant. It's just that one question brought down all the things that cause stress in my life down on me." She gave him a lazy smile and turned around to head back to the common room.

On the way there she thought of Sirius. For some reason she felt guilty about kissing Remus. Of course she liked Sirius, she just wasn't as sure about it as she was about Remus. She turned her head and said quietly to Remus whom was trailing behind her, "Can we not tell anyone about this? Especially not Sirius." She looked him dead in the eye and she swore she saw pain flash across his eyes. "No problem." He gave her a small smile and she resumed walking.

Remus' heart ripped in his chest. She had a crush on Sirius didn't she? He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He had a bad feeling about whatever would happen tomorrow, and that was only worsening his stress.

Avery took deep breaths and told the Fat Lady the password. She entered the room and grabbed Lily's hand. She dragged Lily up the staircase to the girls dorm room and ignored the protests of the boys down below.

When she got up to the girls dorm she explained everything to Lily. Lily just stood there with a creepy smile on her face. "Uh, Lily mind telling me why your face is like that?" She asked slightly fearful that her friend had gone mental.

"No. I just knew it!" She screeched causing Avery to place her hands over her ears. "Lily!" She shouted as her head started to pound. Lily giggled and jumped once. Avery raised an eyebrow and Lily said, "I totally ship you two!" Avery rolled her eyes and lay down on her bed.

After a few minutes of silence Lily came and sat next to her, her bubbly demeanor gone. "Avery?" She questioned quietly. Avery propped herself up on her elbows and gave Lily a questioning look.

"We're friends. Right?" She asked looking down. Avery was confused but quickly answered with a yes. "Well then will you tell me where you came from?" The red head asked in almost a whisper. Avery cracked and told her everything.


When Avery finished telling her little story Lily took no time diving in and hugging her. Avery hadn't noticed that she had started crying for the second time that night. She was becoming a crybaby and she hated it.

"Oh Avery." Lily sighed. "You know my fate? My children's fate? Oh my god! Who do I marry?" She asked. You see, Avery had left out the details of the books she had read. Only saying things that Lily knew and telling her she was going to have a son.

Avery frowned and Lily sighed, "Its ok. You don't need to tell me." Avery sighed in relief and hugged Lily. "Thanks."

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