Chapter Fourteen

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That night as Avery lay down in bed she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. Knowing that she wasn't the only one who knew her secret made her so happy that she could feel a bubble of happiness in her stomach and a smile wouldn't leave her face. Eventually she fell asleep with thoughts of her new best friend.

Sirius lay in his bed with his head reeling. He was angry because Remus wouldn't tell any of them what happened when he was with Avery, or why she dragged Lily up to the girls dorm. He wanted to know if Avery was angry with him, and if she still wanted to be friends.

Remus was sitting on his bed staring at the wall above Peters head. "C'mon guys. Let's just forget about Avery for the night. How about we eat some snacks and play a game of Pranks." Peter said with a frown on his face. He jumped off his bed and sat on the messy floor of the dorm room. Eventually Remus was seated next to him and James and Sirius were across from them. They all pushed Avery from their minds and came up with some pranks to pull on their rival Severus Snape. Peter got his hidden stash of honeydukes candy from underneath his bed and they all spent their time laughing and having fun.

Avery lay sound asleep in her bed when suddenly a dream rippled in her subconscious. She was suddenly inside a little cabin sitting on some wooden stairs. She found her feet moving without her permission and she was suddenly inside a living room. She was behind two adults while she heard the giggling of a small child.

She walked up to the end of the couch and saw that the two adults she saw were actually James and Lily. Lily was holding a little boy who looked like James but with Lily's eyes. It was then that Avery realized where she was and she wanted nothing more than to wake up. The baby was Harry Potter, but without the scar. Avery looked outside and saw darkness. Her heart started pounding in her chest.

"Lily, James you need to get out of here!" She shouted at them, but they didn't hear her. Little Harry looked in her direction and even pointed at her, but Lily didn't seem to think anything of it. Then James must have heard something because he grabbed his wand off of the stand next to him and told Lily to take Harry upstairs. Lily seemed to realize what was going on because she gave James a lingering kiss and got her wand and headed up the stairs.

Avery stayed downstairs staring at the older James. He had some grey hairs sprouting from his roots and his face was lined with stress. He looked down at the wand in his hands and whispered, "If I'm going down, I'm going down with a fight." Avery looked as he walked to the front door and positioned himself right in front of the door in a battle stance. His wand was right in front of him and he seemed to be going through the spells he knew in his head.

Then after three minutes of waiting the door suddenly opened and a swarm of death eaters came in, all of them pointing their wands at James. James waited thirty seconds in which Avery held her breath, before shooting a spell at the one in the front. For the next five minutes James fought with the death eaters and even took five down. Then James sprouted a smile on his face before the killing curse was shot and hit him in the chest, making the smile drop as well as him. There was no more mischief in his eyes and that was what scared Avery the most. His eyes were cold, unblinking, dead.

Then the death eaters made way and Voldemort showed in all his ugly glory. His beady red eyes stared right up the stairs where you could hear a baby crying, Harry. His sickly skin seemed to glow with what could only be a substitute for happiness. His flat nose and bright red lips scared Avery down to the bone.

"Leave the girl and the baby to me." He said in a tone that sent chills down Avery's back. Avery stared as he started to walk towards the stairs. Avery shouted, "No!" But he didn't seem to hear her. She rushed up and tried to pull him back, but her hand went right through him. "No!"
She shouted again and barreled her way up the stairs.

Lily woke to hear Avery mumbling words in her sleep. Thinking that she should probably wake her up Lily headed over to her bed only to hear her mumble, "No." Over and over again on a continuous loop as her head writhed on the pillow. Lily reached out to touch her so she could shake her awake, but was startled to see that there was some kind force field.

Lily's first thought was to go to the boys. She was out of the room like a shot and she climbed the boys staircase and burst into the dorm that contained the four boys. "Guys!" She shouted. James head shot up and he flashed her a stunning smile, but then his face went into seriousness when he saw hers. Sirius shot up from his bed only to land on the floor and groan. Remus sat up calmly and looked at Lily before standing up, which Peter soon did too. "What's wrong?" They all said simultaneously, but James added a Lilyflower at the end.

"Its Avery. She's having a nightmare and I can't touch her to wake her up. Can you please help?" She said frantically. She completely forgot that she was in the boys dorm with only shorts and a robe over top of a t shirt. Although James didn't fail to notice. "Lily you know we can't go up to the Girls Dorm." Sirius deadpanned.

"I know a way." Said Lily and she suddenly heard Avery scream in agony from the girls dorm. "Please?!" She begged them, but they were already out of their beds and out of the boys dorm room before she could finish. She then sprinted out of the room and helped them up to the girls dorm.

Avery stood in the corner of the room as Lily said to Harry that she loved him no matter what happened and that she would always be in his heart. Avery's heart clenched and she saw that the door to the room suddenly blasted open and fell off the hinges into little slivers of wood. Avery screamed in shock.

"You don't have to die Lily Potter, just step away from the baby." Said Voldemort in his icy tone. Lily shook her head and spread her arms out in front of the crib a bawling Harry was standing in. Voldemort shrugged and shot the killing curse at Avery's best friend. Avery screamed as her heart was broke in half and she didn't even realize Voldemort had attempted to kill Harry but failed. She dropped to her knees and screamed in agony at the pain filling her body.

James stood over Avery's body as he attempted to shake her awake, but couldn't even reach her body. He settled for shouting at the top of his lungs as did the other boys and even Lily. Eventually Avery's eyes widened and she shot up out of the bed and screamed at the top of her lungs. Professor McGonagall burst into the dorm room and asked what was going on, but upon seeing Avery's state asked Sirius to carry her down to the hospital wing as she went to talk to Dumbledore.

Sirius picked Avery up and immediately noticed that her skin was clammy and that she was trembling. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and kept mumbling, "Save Lily and James." Again and again.

"Save them from what?" Sirius asked himself.

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