Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to...drum roll please...all of you! I can't believe I have around 100 reads right now! I'm so excited! Well go know you want to.

Avery opened the prefect bathroom door to find the room deserted. "I love being in fifth year." Sighed Lily. Avery laughed and took off her clothes so she was left in her swimming suit, as Lily did the same. James was staring at Lily with a little bit of drool dripping out of his mouth and Avery rolled her eyes. "Well I love Sundays, and I can't wait for potions tomorrow, Slughorn invited you to the Christmas ball he's hosting?" Avery said to Lily. Lily nodded and said, "Yeah, but I don't know who to invite." She crinkled up her eyebrows in thought.

Avery winked at her and said, "How about Mr. Drool over there?" And she pointed at James who was still in a daze. Sirius and Peter were sitting with their feet dangling in the pool, while Remus was already in and swimming around. Avery smiled at a blushing Lily and pushed her in James direction causing her to fall, but at the last second James caught her. "Aww!" Avery said to herself and walked away to the pool.

She ran up the side and jumped in causing Sirius and Peter to get soaking wet. Sirius playfully glared at Avery and Peter sighed, got up, and left the room quite randomly, but nobody seemed to notice. Before Avery knew what was happening Sirius had her on his shoulder and was hauling her to the very deep end of the pool. Avery had never learned how to swim due to being locked up in a hospital her whole life so she clung to Sirius for dear life.

"Don't drop me." She whimpered. "I don't know how to swim." She muttered pathetically. Sirius shook letting her know he was laughing, and she scowled. Suddenly an idea came, "Remus help me!" She shouted splashing the floating Remus. He shot up worry lacing his eyes before he saw her and they relaxed as an amused expression came upon his face. "Don't just stand there! I don't know how to sw-" but she was cut off as she was thrown into the cold water below.

She soon felt a pair of strong arms around her waist and looked up to see a guilty looking Sirius and an angry looking werewolf. She laughed awkwardly and bit her lip trying to think of a way to break the tension in the air around her. Suddenly an idea popped into her head and she splashed Remus in the face causing him to stumble back and making her giggle. She cringed after she did it and whispered, "I can't believe that sound just came out of my mouth." Sirius grinned and whispered in her ear, "It was kind of cute." Before splashing her in the face.

James talked to Lily who was as red as her hair. He was starting to believe that him maturing slightly and not asking her out every waking hour had taken its toll on her and he was beyond ecstatic. He looked over at Avery who was smiling like an idiot and was splashing water all over a grinning Sirius and Remus.

When their little swim was over Avery felt even closer to the gang, as she liked to call them in her mind. She knew she would have to tell them something about her past, but she couldn't tell them about all of it. She soon decided to tell them a modeled version of her real life. She hadn't realised she had stopped until grey eyes were in her vision. She snapped back to reality and realized her cheeks were damp from thinking about her other life. She had no idea how much she was missing out on, but now she did and she couldn't believe she had been so blind.

As she looked back on her old life she realized how pathetic it had been. She should've tried harder, she should've been stronger and fought through for the people she loved. She regretted deeply giving up at that moment. She shouldn't have given up. That was a idiots way out. She felt she had had enough and she had put up a great fight, and she had, but she realized that mabey she could've tried harder. Again Sirius snapped her out of her thoughts by hugging her. She hugged him back finding the company comforting, but soon let go and reached out and grabbed Remus and hugged him. Then James. Then Lily.

"You guys have no idea how much you mean to me. Y-you changed my life, as corny as it sounds." She said wiping her tears off her face and looking down at the floor in shame. She shouldn't of opened up like that now she was prone to heartbreak, but she was proven incorrect by being tackled into a group hug. She laughed and hugged everyone at once, and for once she didn't care about the consequences of becoming close to them and changing the future. She felt happy and free and she never wanted it to go away.

Lying there on the floor Lily realized something, "Wait that plague says only prefects are allowed inside the prefect bathroom!" She squealed freaking out. "Lily calm down, rules were made to be broken." Avery said and she felt she was right. Why would someone make rules? Have they ever heard of reverse psychology, telling us not to do something just makes us want to do it even more-

She was cut off from her internal debate by a sneeze. Her head whipped in the direction to see a girl who looked a little like Sirius. The girl who would kill Sirius in the department of mysteries. It was the one and only, Belitrix Lestrange, in all her pride and glory with a Lucius Malfoy and a fidgeting Severus Snape who wouldn't look Lily in the eye.

"Belitrix. Lucius. Severus. Can we help you?" Asked Avery leaving everyone, once again, baffled on how she knew so much. She just waved her hand in the air as if swatting the thought away and returned to the task at hand. She had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.

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