❀ Chapter 1: Dorm-mate ❀

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"Aigoo! Yah! Mochi! Come back here! Yah!

You chuckled as the two girls passed by you, clearly struggling with catching up with their dogs. You nudged your foot towards your left where your lazy dog lies.

"Oi, Hunnie-yah. Why don't you run like them? It's fine with me, you know. FYI, I'm the fastest runner in our--"

Your proud smiling face turned into a frowning one as your dog's butt appeared in your sight, walking away from you. Hunnie was obviously not interested listening to his owner.

You sighed annoyed as you followed your dog. Irony, right? Your dog should be the one who's following you but it's the other way round. How saddening.

"Yah, Hunnie! Can't we just be formal here? I'm your owner, for dog foods' sake! Don't just turn your fat butt on me, arasseo?!" You told your dog as if you're a mother who's scolding her child.

Your dog, Hunnie, has its ears up as it stopped on its tracks and glanced at you. Your eyes brightened with hope as Hunnie started walking towards you. You don't know if it's just in your imagination but you noticed, Hunnie's eyes were filled with admiration, like when you give him a plate full of meat. Yes, he just likes the meat not you.

Thinking of your fantasy, that you and your dog will finally make up after years of continuously fighting like cat and dog (no pun intended, you are a cat person after all), you dramatically kneeled down on both knees and opened your arms, expecting Hunnie to jump into them.

But of course, fantasies only exist in our minds. As fast as a racing car, your fantasy was shattered by screaming, shrilling, squealing (and many more synonyms) of what you presumed by teenage girls, or even gays because you certainly heard a deep voice shouting, "I love you, oppa!".

You were instantly brought back to reality. The reality that your dog wasn't really walking towards you, but towards to what or who is behind you. It hurtch.

You were about to call your dog to come back when you heard the heavy footsteps of running feet were coming nearer at your place. You, who's still kneeling in the middle of the street like a crazy woman, snapped your head behind you. There, you saw a huge stampede of what you presumed again, hyper fangirls. Your now wide eyes went to Hunnie, who's still walking in a daze towards the stampede without any knowledge of what in the dogs' world could happen to him once he get stepped on by those girls.

You felt like you're in a slow motion as you clumsily reach out for your dog with your knees still connected to the floor. (Stupid, I know)

I need to protect him... at least.

Despite of the pain you felt on your knees as they slide awfully on the rough and uneven cemented floor of Gangnam's street, you were still determined to stretch your hands towards the tail of your dog.

But unlike in some superhero movies, you couldn't save the one who's in danger.

The crowd of girls was already in front of your dog. Your head bumped on your tired arms as you closed your eyes, not wanting to see what's in front of you. The hope that was in your eyes before, is now gone.

"YAH! I think that's enough running, huh? Oppa's tired already and I really need a break. Do you want oppa to be flat and dead as a fallen leaf? Now go home, my loves."

Your eyes closed tightly as a man's deep voice shouted softly, if there's even a soft shout. It's like he just want them to go away but can't get his emotions take over him. It seemed like his pleading was effective, the stampede stopped, just three 12 inches rulers away from you.

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