❀ Chapter 2: Barbecue ❀

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"Have you unpacked already, Kai-ssi?"

"Did you already eat dinner, Kai-ssi?"

"Is your room okay for you, Kai-ssi?"

"Do you prefer the right one beside mine or the left one?"

"If you have anything to ask, you can approach me or my lovely niece here."

Kai-ssi there, Kai-ssi that, Kai-ssi everywhere.

You were beginning to get annoyed as your aunt acts like a hotelier towards this new guy of the dorm, Kai. After your knees were aided, your aunt began to ask Kai questions and your ears were getting tired of her loud voice. She reminds you of your mother though.

"Ahjumma, I think I'll rest for now. I don't really have plans for tomorrow, so can we talk tomorrow morning?" Kai politely pleaded and shot a simple smile that made your aunt (and even you) stare at him shamelessly.

"Uh. Of course! Yes. We'll just talk tomorrow, ne. You take a rest and have a goodnight sleep." Your aunt nodded. Kai stood up and was about to take a step forward when— "Oh, Lin! You take him to his room. He already chose one, just go with him and you can rest too."

"But can't you see? I'm injured--"

"No. Go with Kai."


"It's fine, you don't have to come with me. I can manage."

Your shoulders slumped down in defeat as you slowly stood up. Your conscience was so persistent that you can't help but to comply to it. You're just gonna feel guilty if you didn't, anyway.

"I'll go."

Kai smiled and began walking to the stairs. You followed him, while your aunt shot you a wink and a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes at your childish aunt. She's always like that but she's like your second mother already. She may be childish and immature but she loves you as her own daughter. You're thankful for her.

As you both reached Kai's chosen room—

"T-this is your room?" You asked with your eyes open-wide. Kai turned his head to you as he grabbed the doorknob of his room.

"Why? Is there something the matter? Is this room cursed or what?" Kai asked as he let go of the knob and completely turned to you.

"N-no. It's not cursed. It's... nothing. Just get inside and sleep." You looked away and shooed him inside of his room. Kai walked closer to you in a very dangerous distance.

You (audibly) gulped as you felt his hot breath fanned your face. His height obviously towering you. His eyes that just make you feel like a statue once you made contact with them. You felt weak. You can't do anything but to stand.

"Are you nervous?"

Candies. Lollipops. Sour strips. Gummy bears. Cotton candy. Hello—

"Well, don't be 'cause I won't do anything to you."

You sighed in relief, feeling a lot of weight lifted up from your shoulders.

"... for now."

And the weight push itself back down to your shoulders. It seemed heavier second by second. Your jaw hung as your eyes found Kai's. His eyes were twinkling in mischief and playfulness. His smirk right now, ghad, his smirk will be another death of you.

Why does this guy look so... magnetic? It's like even though I want to get away from him, I keep getting closer to him!

"So, I'll take a rest already. Goodnight, bipolar girl. Go to your room now, you look like you need sleep. Dream of me~" Kai cooed as caressed your cheek affectionately, and got inside of his room with his killer smirk.

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