❀ Chapter 25: By Your Side ❀

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"Kai!" You silently called out as he dragged you inside the hotel. Concierges slightly bow as you two walk past by them. You awkwardly smile at them.

"Yah! How'd you know about my fiancé?!" You quietly squealed as Kai ignored you, still leading you to somewhere like he knows this place for a long time now.

"You're really not gonna answer me?!"

You were panicking right now. What if your fiancé's already there? What will he say about this? Yes, you did plan to confront him about the arranged marriage, that you don't want it to happen because you already have someone, but this is happening too fast and you can't even think!

"Kim Jongin! I swear if you—"

Kai opened a huge double doors on the end of the hall you've entered earlier. You looked around and saw that you're in a private area, which you know that's only reserved for VIPs. Your eyes widened, tugging Kai's hand.

"What are we doing here?" You asked, your eyes couldn't rest in one place, observing the place in panic. Kai gently pulled you inside the room and sighed. If your jaw hasn't dropped earlier from the shining and luxurious objects you've seen everywhere, it did now when you saw the room Kai led you into.


Tall windows made the sunshine peek through the hanging elegant light brown curtains with golden laces on its edges, the floor was carpeted in a brownish color, a rounded glass table on the center with a long golden cloth over it and a candlelight on its middle, two comfy-looking chairs in front of each other and resting under the table, and lights are slightly dimmed in yellow, making the candle stand out. A few concierges were on the side as they slightly bowed down at your entrance.

"Let's sit, shall we?" Kai smiled at you, pulling a chair for you. You hesitantly sat down, blinking at the candlelight in front of you. Kai immediately sat on the other side and raised his hand towards the concierges. With that simple gesture, they all moved so quick.

One went over to your table with a tray and carefully placed the plates and utensils in front of you. The next one placed the mouth-watering and extravagant meals you've never had in your whole life. Another one put wine into your glasses that looks like half of an hourglass. Everything seems so perfect already when an instrumental music suddenly played, making it so much more romantic.

"What the hell is this, Jongin?" You asked, smiling at the concierges that served you. Kai was just observing your reactions with everything, smiling like an idiot.

"Don't you like it? I think everything's perfect—"

"That's not it. Answer my questions already, will you?" You crossed your arms, slightly gulping your saliva as you looked down on the food tempting you.

"Let's eat first, babe. I'm hungry. I didn't even have breakfast earlier because I was so eager to meet you."

"M-Meet me?!"

Your brain suddenly started working in the right way and realization hit you hard like a building fell on you, causing your eyes to widen like an owl.

"Your expression's funny. You look like Kyungsoo sunbae." Kai giggled as he watched you slowly realizing everything.

"Y-You... You've gotta be kidding—"

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