❀ Chapter 8: What the Heck ❀

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"So early in the morning and you greet me with that kind of expression."

Joohyuk shook his head as he walked pass by you. You stared blankly at the counter where you move the cloth back and forth.

"Aish, this girl."


Your eyes widened as Joohyuk's deep voice got higher. You looked at him with an irritated face.

"What the heck is wrong with you?"

"No. What the heck is wrong with you?" Joohyuk fired back, glaring at you. You rolled your eyes and went back to cleaning the counter even though it's already shining.

The front door opened and Tiffany walked in with a grin until she saw you.

"Do you know what is wrong with this dog?" Joohyuk asked Tiffany as he pointed at you with his lips.

"It's the dancer she's living with. He's still not back and hasn't called yet." Tiffany answered with a shrug as she began working on the tables.

"So what?" Joohyuk said frustratingly, mopping the floor more aggressively than usual.

"It has been weeks, Hyuk! Her aunt told her that he'll be back before Christmas. New year has already started and he's still not back." Tiffany explained, completely tired of answering.


"Please stop asking me. I'm not in the mood."

Joohyuk was surprised that Tiffany wasn't hyper today but immediately looked back at you. You look like you've been to a funeral.

"Argh! I can't work with you people." Joohyuk muttered as he walked back to the locker room.

You sighed as you look at your phone for new messages.

9:35 am
From: Oh Handsome Sehun
Goodmorning, lovely! Goodluck with work today. :)

You smiled, clearly happy with his message.

You and Sehun have been hanging out often these past few weeks. He was so fun to be with that you always forget the time. For 5 times already, you climbed up the gate since you get home an hour after 9 when you hang out with Sehun.

Sometimes, you two just walk around the city and eat street foods. Or stay at a 24-hour store to eat ramen and drink hot chocolate while you tell stories about each other.

Since Sehun was close with your dorm-mate, you also asked him if Kai told him where he went but he didn't know too. He just knew that Kai told him that he'll be gone for a couple of days.

Sehun even said that Kai didn't manage to attend the general practice for their new concept at DanWiMu.

Honestly, you're worried about him. You haven't been really good to him before he left. But you really want to reach out and be friends. Right?

Yeah sure. You're just guilty for being a rude person.

Tiffany nudged your shoulder harshly, trying to get you out of the trance you're having. You instantly jumped and blinked your eyes, focusing on the raging customer in front of you.

You haven't even noticed the woman in front of you. How stupid.

How can you even let a person whom you don't even know that much, affect your life this much?

"Oh! I'm sorry for that, Miss. What's your order?"

The customer rolled her eyes on you as she told her order quickly with an annoyed voice.

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