❀ Chapter 13: Troublemaker Baby ❀

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You woke up at 8 in the morning with a forming agenda in your mind. You quickly went to your own bathroom, brushed your teeth and put your hair in a messy bun.

It was Saturday.

Yep, the Saturday you were so excited to come. (Note the sarcasm)

After freshening up, you went back to your room and went out.

"Oh. Goodmorning, babe."

Your head immediately turned to the voice.

Kai just closed his door and walked towards you, of course, with his famous smirk.

"Y-Yeah. Goodmorning." You stuttered but quickly recovered as you turned your back towards him.

"Hmm." Kai hummed as he matched his pace with you, glancing at your face. You walked faster and reached the end of the stairs.

"You're up early today, huh?" You heard Kai commented as he followed you to the dining area.

You saw that Aunt Sunny made chicken soup for today's breakfast. You went to the fridge and grabbed a huge bottle of water before walking back to the table.

"Uh huh." You said as you sat down in front of him.

You started putting soup on your own bowl and then water in your glass. You started eating, casually taking glances at Kai.

"What the hell, Jongin." You muttered.

Kai just smirked, still staring at you as you eat.

"What? Is it wrong to stare at you?"

"Obviously yes." You snickered, shoving a spoonful of soup in your mouth.

"Why?" Kai asked teasingly as he continued observing you.

"Because I don't like it." You snapped at him before drinking water.

"But I like it, babe."

You shook your head, trying to deny that Kai's spell is working on you.

You thought of anything that you can talk about so it won't be this awkward.

"Oh!" You exclaimed as you remembered why you got up so early.

"What is it?" Kai asked, amused at you sudden outburst. He chewed on the chicken bits he got from his soup before grinning at you.

Why does he always look so seductive?

"I heard that DanWiMu is having its anniversary today?" You started as you placed your glass back on the table.

"Yeah." Kai nodded but tilted his head after. "How'd you know?"

"You know that Tiffany unnie is Sehun's sister, right? So, she told me." You explained.


You gulped. You really wanted to know about his performance with Seulgi but wouldn't that be suspicious?

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