❀ Chapter 19: He Lied ❀

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Two days after your dinner with your family, you always got morning, afternoon and night calls from them.

It is overwhelming.

"Goodmorning, noona!"

You cringed at the attempt of your little brother of making his voice in high pitch.

"G-Goodmorning, Tae. Why so early?" You rubbed your eyes as you slowly stretched your arms.

Obviously, you just woke up.

"Aunt Ji Hyo wants to have lunch together with you. She told me to call you and invite you today."

"T-Today? B-But I have a morning shift—"

"Hehe. She already talked to your manager, noona. Kim Jongdae, right?"

You groaned.

"I forgot how many times I've already asked him for an early dismiss or changing shifts. I'm in debt to him." You sighed, standing up as you combed your hair with your fingers.

"He seems nice though. Does that guy likes you, noona? You seem to get away with anything—"

"Yah! Jongdae-ssi already has a girlfriend and is really serious about her. He's just purely generous, Tae." You scratched the back of your neck as you went to the bathroom to wash your face.

"Yeah right. Anyway, I'll just text you where we'll meet later, noona!"

"Wait, what ti—"


You cursed as the line went dead, irritating you with the sound.

"That kid." You muttered, putting your phone down on the counter when it made a sound, indicating a new message.

7:34 am

From: Tae Dongsaeng

Meet at Winter Heat Café, 1:00pm! <3

"Winter Heat..."

This was where Kai and I ate lunch before.

You quickly shook your head and was about to take a shower when someone knocked on your door.

"Argh." You groaned in frustration as you walked towards the door.


"Goodmorning, baby." Kai leaned in for a kiss when you moved away from his face. He pouted.

"What's your business here, dancer?" You asked, grasping at the door knob.

"We're going on a date."

Your eyes hardened at his announcement.

"Who told you?" You snapped.

"Me. Please?" Kai took your other hand before kissing it with glimmering eyes.

Shit. Not those eyes.

He's totally acting normal as if nothing happened. Going back to last two days ago, you told somethings that are confusing and not really nice.

"Stop, Kai! You can't just do everything you want."

"What do you even think of me? A kissing booth?"

"I-I don't even know what this mean."

But here he is, still smirking like he wasn't affected by any of it.

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