❀ Chapter 4: Let's Play ❀

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You were obviously gaping at him like Patrick the Star.

"Sehun." He nodded at you while pointing at himself.


You seemed like a pervert girl who drools over drop-dead gorgeous men.

"Aww. Such a killjoy. I was trying to make a joke." Sehun chukled as he walked towards you. After one minute, you finally got what he was trying to say. You smiled awkwardly. Sorry to say, but you're a slow person.

"What're you doing here? You're buying something for your girlfriend?" You asked.

It's possible, right? With his handsome face, slender body that you almost felt insecure with his flat stomach, his eyes that can kill, his nose that can cut you into pieces, his lips that looks so thin but looks so soft and his gigantic height, he can get whoever he wants.

"I'm just roaming around before going to work. How can you say that I have a girlfriend?" He chuckled as he looked at you. You gulped and focused on the bears in front of you.

"W-well, don't you?"

"I don't."


You mentally face-palmed yourself for your shameless flirt side.

"You like bears?" He asked as he grabbed one of the white ones in front of him. You glanced at him again before looking around.

"Yep. They're like the third best things I've ever seen." You said, walking to the other racks of pink bears with glasses.

"Third? What's the second then?" Sehun asked, following you like a puppy.

"Food." You quickly answered without any signs of hesitation. Sehun looked at you, as if asking if you're serious. You looked back at him and grinned. He laughed, almost wiping the forming tears in his eyes.

"What? You don't understand girls, Mr. Oh."

"Hmm. Actually I do. I have a sister who always bothers me about candies." He shook his head, as if he doesn't even want to remember it.

"Really? She must be a good companion then?" You asked while going to a jar full of bear keychains.

"Why'd you say so? She's annoying." Sehun scoffed.

"Well, anyone who likes eating candies must be hyper. The sweetness of the candies makes people crave for more and get active. Trust me, I know that too." You answered as you thought of your friend, Tiffany.

"Anyway, what's the best thing you've ever seen?"

The question struck you in the heart. You flinched as you felt the familiar pain in your chest.

What's the best thing.... I've ever seen?


*Ring *Ring

You jumped as you heard your phone rang. You quickly grabbed your phone from your jacket and saw Joohyuk's name on top.

"Hyuk." You answered after sighing. Knowing what was coming.

"Where the heck are you?! I've been searching for you everywhere! It's almost 2--"

There you go, Mommy Hyuk is here.

"Yah! Can you not shout?! I'm not deaf, okay?! Calm your horses!" You shouted back. You heard a stifled laugh from behind. You turned around and saw that everyone in the shop was looking at you and Sehun was red, maybe because he's trying not to laugh at you.

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