❀ Chapter 11: Not Yours ❀

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You awkwardly waved at the unfamiliar boys in front of you as you opened your door. They both stopped walking ahead as they looked at you as if you were a ghost or something.

"OH! You're awake already. I forgot to tell you about these two new tenants!" Your aunt suddenly appeared behind them with a huge grin. You eyed her suspiciously as you raised an eyebrow at her.

"Boys, please introduce yourselves to noona~" She sang as she winked at you.

"Annyeonghasseyo, noona. I'm Yoon Sanha, 17 years old. I hope we can get closer~" A very tall but cute-faced boy said as he smiled down at you.

Wow. I feel like an ant right now. He's 17 and this tall, while I'm 22 and still... this small.

"I'm Cha Eunwoo, 20 years old. It's nice meeting you, noona." A bright-looking (literally) pretty boy said and bowed slightly.

This guy is prettier than me. His looks is making my self-esteem drop drastically.

You were just staring at them like you've seen stars when your aunt snapped her fingers in front of you.

"Oh. S-Sorry. I'm Lin, you can just call me noona since you call her ahjumma." You pointed at your aunt and smiled. "Nice meeting you both."

"There we go! They'll be taking the room 2 doors after Kai's." Your aunt told you before looking back at the two boys. "You can go to noona's room if you need any help or go downstairs and knock on my door near the kitchen, alright?"

"Ne!" The young boys answered simultaneously as they nodded like obedient dogs which reminds you...

"I'll be going downstairs. See you around boys." You saluted playfully before closing your door and going downstairs to find your dog.

You walked around the living room, kitchen, dining area, laundry room and even the restroom but the white fluffy ball is nowhere to be found. You scratched the nape of your neck frustratedly.

"Aish. Don't tell me he took a walk by himself again? That's why I don't see that dog often. He's such an emo." You mumbled, wearing your sneakers and decided to take a walk.

It's a Saturday and you don't have additional shifts for the day, so you have a lot of free time. Kai is not around since he has practice in DanWiMu, same with Sehun, and probably won't be back until 6. Joohyuk is busy taking care of his mother that was admitted in the hospital 3 days ago. While Tiffany is on house-duty today since her father went overseas for a meeting. And if you're thinking about your aunt at home, she'll want to spend her whole day talking to the two new babies of her dorm.

That leaves you with no one today. What a sad life.

That's why, Hunnie is the only person-- animal you can spend the day with.

You started to jog towards the playground you always walk Hunnie to, looking around the area and hopefully find your dog.

"Where would that big boy go?" You muttered as you continued to jog around the playground, seeing kids run and play.


You almost laughed as you saw a two familiar girls chasing two small cute Yorkshire Terriers.

"Aren't they the ones who I saw the last time I came here to walk Hunnie?" You thought loudly, chuckling.

You sighed in defeat as you stopped jogging after almost an hour.

"Argh. I feel so wasted. I think I've got flabbies already, making it harder for me to jog." You mumbled to yourself while poking your tummy.

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