❀ Chapter 15: Talk More ❀

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Aunt Sunny sighed for the nth time as she gave up looking at the two young ones in front of her.

"Nobody's talking, that's new." She stated as she put down the tray for breakfast. You just grabbed one of the bowls of ramyeon and thanked her for the meal before started eating.

Aunt Sunny looked at you as if you've gone crazy, scoffing at your action. She looked back at the boy, who's just staring at you.

"You." She called. Kai blinked and turned to her. "What are you waiting for?"

He silently took a bowl from the tray and started slurping down the food. Aunt Sunny just scratched the back of her head frustratedly.

"Goodmorning!" The two younger tenants came down and started chatting lively, in contrast to the two older ones. They looked at Aunt Sunny as if questioning the awkward silence between the two of you, but she just shrugged and gave them their meals.

"Clean up for yourselves, okay? I'll be out until 5. Lock the front door if you're all going out. I'll leave the house to all of you. Behave, okay? You know the rules." Aunt Sunny said, looking at the 4 tenants in front of her, her gaze resting longer at Kai and you.

"Ne!" Sanha and Eunwoo chorused as the other two just nodded.

"I'll be out too." You mumbled as you got up, taking your bowl to the sink to wash it. Kai immediately stood up and followed you to the sink.

The three left on the dining area just looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"Leave them be." Aunt Sunny said, waving at the two younger boys. They nodded and continued eating. Aunt Sunny winced at the shattering of something, probably a glass, in the sink. She shook her head before walking upstairs, trying to keep out of the two's issue.

You stopped moving as the glass shattered, colliding with the marble floor. Kai stood beside you, his eyes remained focus on your face.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt? You should move away from this area, you might step on the broken glasses." Kai said worriedly as he moved to grab your arm. You moved away from his touch and continued washing your bowl. Kai watched as you finished washing.

"I'll do that." He insisted, trying to grab the broom and dustpan from your grasp but you moved them away from him.

"It's okay. I can do it." You said, starting to sweep the broken glasses, keeping yourself in a safe distance when you suddenly heard Kai take a deep breath. You shook your head as you continued sweeping. You can feel Kai following you as you threw the glasses you've gathered on the trash can.

"Are you a dog or what?" You snapped as you turned around to see him flinching, his left bare foot slightly up. "What the heck are you doing?" You asked as you watch him. Kai grinned but instantly frowned when he lost balance. You immediately put down the things you were holding and grabbed his shoulder to keep him standing.

"I think I've got a splinter on my foot." Kai mumbled as you guide him back to the dining area, startling the two boys eating breakfast.

"I'll just get the first aid kit, stay here." You said as you quickly made your way upstairs. Kai leaned his back on the chair, his eyes following you until you were out of his sight.

It's good that you didn't see him staring at you as if you were the last piece of chicken he'll ever see, or else you would've melted on the spot.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Kai heard Sanha asked him. He just nodded and waved the kid off.

"Have you been fighting with noona?" Sanha asked again as Eunwoo nudged him, glaring at his over-talkative friend.

Kai chuckled.

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