❀ Chapter 21: Away From Him ❀

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"Excuse me, Mr. Kim."

The said man turned his swivel chair towards the other with a blank face.


"You've told me a while ago to schedule a meeting with Mr. Zhang, seems like it isn't needed now."

Mr. Kim's eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"It turns out that he wanted to meet you too, Mr. Kim."


"Mr. Zhang has scheduled an appointment with you this afternoon at 2. He didn't exactly say what's the agenda for the meeting but he said that it's important." The messenger spoke in a monotonic voice.

Mr. Kim just stared at the wall in front of him, so many thoughts of possible reasons why your father wanted to meet him. He just nodded at the messenger.

"You can go now."

As the door closed, completely leaving the man in the deafening silence of his office. The man sighed.

"What does he want now?" Mr. Kim mumbled, staring at the papers in front of him. It stressed him out.

His mind was full of his dance choreographies, the documents needed for everyday of his work in the office, how will he face your father again, and how will he end everything for you.

"I wonder how will you react when I tell you the truth, babe." Mr. Kim muttered under his breath as if he was whispering in your ear. "I just don't want to see you hurt when you do."

He closed his eyes, seeing your lovely face that he loves so much. It's not only your face that he cherishes but all of you.

"Damn. I miss you so much, baby."

He opened his eyes, staring at the high ceiling as he leaned his head back on the swivel chair.

"Please wait for me."

Just give me a little time...

♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫

"Thank you for the hard work, guys! Take care and be safe as you go home, okay?" Minseok said as he locked his office, his brother, Jongdae beside him.

"Ne." The five of you, which consists of you and the four part-timers. Joohyuk has to buy medicines for his mother before dinner, so he has to leave earlier than you. Tiffany already went ahead since she said she has something important to do, although you think that it's because of her brother.

"Unnie, you can go ahead. We'll lock the door for you." Somi, one of the part-timers, said with a smile. You shook your head in disapproval, opening your mouth to protest when someone beat you to it.

"Go now, noona! I can see your boyfriend from here." Mark exclaimed, his eyes staring at the person outside of the café.

Your eyes trailed his sight and saw that Sehun is already waiting for you outside, leaning against the window by his side. A gray scarf was wrapped around his neck, a huge black velvet coat over his lean body with a simple white sweater inside, black pants and shiny shoes.

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