❀ Chapter 3: Climbing Up The Gates ❀

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"Hey, buddy."

You looked up at your best friend with your eyebrows up.

"What is it?" You answer as you go back to wiping the counter.

"Do you have anything to do tomorrow?" Joohyuk asked as he crouched down to your eye-level. You glanced at him with a suspicious look.

"What are you planning?"

"I'm not planning anything! I just wanted to take you out so we can bond and relax for a while. I mean, I know you've been stressed because of your new room—"

You raised your hand in front of Joohyuk's face to prevent him from speaking further.

"Let's not widen this conversation including this angel-faced devil you're about to talk about." You said while patting your best friend's closed mouth.

"Okay, then. Is that a yes?" He happily asked as he straightened himself up. You glanced at him again.

"You're so looking at me with your puppy eyes. Why do you do this to me? Of course, I need to say yes because you're gonna cry if I don't." You rolled your eyes as you threw him the rag you were using earlier.

"Yay! I knew you couldn't resist Joohyuk's cute face."

"Tss. Gross." You smiled as you turned around and put back the mugs inside the cabinet.

"Oh! Are you both going out tomorrow?! Can I join?! Can I?! Can I?!"

You flinched at your co-worker's high-pitched voice. You turned to Tiffany with a frown.

"Unnie, did you eat sweets this afternoon again?" You asked as you see her jumping up and down like a doll who has trampoline on her feet.

"How'd you guess~" Tiffany cooed as she waves her cutely wrapped candies. You sighed as you went back to cleaning.

"So, you're going out, right?" Tiffany asked again, thankfully, she's back to normal and started pulling her apron off.

"Yep! You can come too. We'll meet here at 6pm." Joohyuk says as he put his apron on the clothing rack beside the door to the kitchen. He looks at the clock and packs his things.

"Let's get going. It's already 9, your aunt probably closed the gate already."

You looked over to Tiffany.

"Unnie, are you going to be picked up by your brother?" You asked as you put your sling bag on your shoulder.

"Yes, actually he's already waiting for me outside. See you both tomorrow!" Tiffany says as she rushed outside to the black Audi in front of your café. Your mouth hung as you watch the shining car you've been dreaming of, leave your sight.

You unconsciously walked out of the café and continued watching even if your nose scrunched up because of the smoke the car produced.

"Tsk tsk. I locked the door already, you irresponsible worker." Joohyuk said and of course, with a hit on the top of your poor head.

"D-did you see that, Hyuk?! Did you freaking see that?!"

"What? That black car you've been wanting so much?" Joohyuk said shrugging his shoulders as if it was nothing. You pointed your finger on his nose with your eyes narrowed.

"Hey! It's not just a black car!" You argued as you glare at him. He playfully tried to bite your finger but luckily, you're fast to put it away from his face. You both started walking home.

"For you it is not." Joohyuk joked as he poked your side. You jumped in surprise and looked at him. You ran away.

Yes, you did.

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